St. Joseph Statue Kit
Popular belief holds that you can enlist the aid of St. Joseph, the patron saint of home and family, to sell your home by burying his replica. Kit includes 8"-tall resin statue, home-seller’s guide, and prayer to St. Joseph.
088702 $8.99
Evidently, THIS is what I need to get my house sold! Who knew?
...in our neck of the woods.
One of the best things about all the bright green leaves sprouting, is that they hide all of our neighbors. In a few more days, we wont be able to see them (or their side-yards full of junk) and they wont be able to see us. We'll be alone again on our private island in the woods!
That is...until we leave for our own little not-so-private island in the middle of the ocean.
I only had two of them and they were perfectly well-behaved, sweet, innocent, and evidently extremely grubby. (This picture was taken on a camping trip. Give me a break.)
Following the example of my sister-in-law Laura, (aka Mrs. Dub) I started a blog and THIS my friends, is an exact replica of my VERY FIRST POST!!!
Read it carefully, for it explains EVERYTHING!!!
So I created a blog, looked through the "Foreign Words and Phrases" in the back of the dictionary for a clever name, picked my template...
I think I expected more.
Oh well. Maybe I'll be more excited about my first dip into blogdom when it's not so late. Or early. Or whatever. I just want to show off pictures of my adorable children. Is that so wrong? I think not. Goodnight!
Yes, that's right. I found the name of my blog, "acte gratuit" in the back of a dictionary in the "Foreign Words and Phrases" section. (The desk edition, not the pocket-size.)
It was a completely random choice made in the middle of the night. No, I do not speak French. My blearly thoughts went something like this: "acte gratuit: Gratuitous act. Hmmm. I like the word 'gratuitous'! And it's kinda like the creation of this blog! Sorta pointless and unnecessary!"
It was probably a few minutes later that I had to call one of my Young Women (this one) to ask how to add a link to the side-bar. (She's not linked on my side-bar because I don't want anyone stalking my Young Women. Or Young Neices (Madi). So just leave her (them) alone!)
After this stellar beginning, it took me 7 months to do another post.
And that my friends, is how I ended up with the name Acte Gratuit; two French words I can't even pronounce properly. And also the reason we shouldn't blog after midnight. Which is why I'm going to bed now.
Your Friend the Dummy,
Acte Gratuit
(That's "twee" not "too-it"!)
(...i think.)