We have numerous Christmas playlists made in i-Tunes: D's Christmas mix, (includes Country. BLEH!) Kid's Christmas mix, (Listen only if you want a nervous tick) Sunday Christmas mix, (Go MoTab! Just added the Christmas Devotional music to this one. Loved their version of "Oh Holy Night")...and the master "Christmas Songs" mix which has EVERYTHING--all the old stand-bys and favorites. Every single song.
THIS list is MY mix. These are the songs I never hear enough during the holidays. (Although a few are new additions and a few are strictly included so I can learn the words to sing them to my kids.)
Mock my choices if you must, but right now all the boys are out building a ginormous snow fort, and I'm rocking out to Wham! --about to make myself some Stephen's Gourmet Hot Chocolate. (I'll make SwissMiss for the boys later.)
I love Christmas time!!!!

Silent Night (Intro) Boyz II Men--Ultimate Christmas
Silent Night Sarah McLachlan--Wintersong
Oh Christmas Tree GrooveBarbers--Glory (This one is for the kids)
Gabriel's Message Sting--A Very Special Christmas, Vol. 1
Song For A Winter's Night Sarah McLachlan--Ultimate Christmas
Wonderful Christmastime Jars of Clay-- Christmas Songs (Bonus Track Version)
Christmas By the Bay Tim Hockenberry--Christmas By the Bay (Makes Doug and I both nostalgic and possibly a little teary.)
Christmas Song Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds--A Very Special Christmas, Vol. 3
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) U2--A Very Special Christmas, Vol. 1
Christmastime Smashing Pumpkins--A Very Special Christmas, Vol. 3
Christmas Wrapping Waitresses--Now That's What I Call Christmas! Vol. 2 (ONE OF MY VERY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME!!!! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!)
Last Christmas Wham!--Now That's What I Call Christmas! Vol. 2
Santa Baby Kylie Minogue--Now That's What I Call Christmas! Vol. 2 [Disc 1]
Nuttin' for Christmas The Re-Bops--Oldies for a Cool Christmas (Because I learned it in Elementary School and always sing it to my kids in December.)
That Was the Worst Christmas Ever! Sufjan Stevens (New addition. Just 'cause it sounds cool. Admittedly, it's a little depressing. But PRETTY!)
Last Christmas (Glee Cast Version) Glee Cast--iTunes single (I like "Glee". Doug does NOT.)
Snowfall Ingrid Michaelson--Snowfall
All I Want For Christmas Is You Mariah Carey--Merry Christmas
Go ahead. Download all of them. Make your own playlist. Then put it on "REPEAT ALL".
Merry Christmas!!!
P.S. I LOVE my new skinny Christmas Tree and all our pretty vintage looking glass ornaments plus the new Japanese additions. (And I love the vintage Block Island prints (background-left) Doug gave me for Christmas last year.)