All of these items could be their own post. But I don't have that kind of time so take what you get and be happy about it!!!

*Doug and I had a big fight but we made up. And then we had our 9 year anniversary the next day. Maybe I'll post about it one day. (The anniversary--not the fight. That would be like admitting we don't have a perfect marriage. Which we do. BTW, we fought on our 8 year anniversary too. It's our new fun anniversary tradition.)
*I'm supposed to be returning from hiking Mt. Fuji right now. But I'm not. (FORTUNATELY!!!) Because I have bigger fish to fry/people to buy food for.
*I was called to be "Camp Food Coordinator" (or something) and I'm headed to church GIRL'S CAMP Tuesday morning. (And the commissary is closed on Monday, and I can't shop on Sunday, so I had to shop on Saturday, which meant I couldn't hike Mt. Fuji.) (FORTUNATELY!!!)
*Though I LOVE camping, I never really liked Girl's Camp as a 12-16 year old. Too much drama.
*And frankly, I'm pretty sure I don't like camping with Morning Sickness, either. (How's THAT for drama?!?)
*If you noticed I'm getting fatter and asked if I was pregnant...I forgive you. ('Cause I am and I am. But I didn't know it at the're not forgiven.)
*Doug participated in his FIRST TRIATHALON on Saturday morning and did quite well. Not that I would know as I was home sleeping and didn't arrive on scene until 40 minutes after he finished. But I HEAR he did quite well. Go Doug. (But NO Doug. You may NOT buy an expensive bike.)

*I personally believe marathons and triathalons are for MASOCHISTS! Yeah, you heard me every.single.female.friend I have!!! Masochists and CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!
*I (also) personally believe the only good reason to run is if you're being chased. By a mugger. (If I've said it once, I've said it 10,000 times!!!)
Well, that pretty much sums up the last two months. Any questions?