The first product I've been asked to review is the...*drumroll please*
Baby Jamz Jammin' Microphone and the Baby Jamz Nursery Rhyme CD.

I have only three words to describe it: Fresh to Death!
Now, being more of an 80's fan myself, I admit I would have preferred a toy synthesizer which played kid versions of "Just Can't Get Enough" and "Oh l'Amour" but we can't always get what we want. (But we get what we need.)
So what did the boys think? Before we even got the microphone out of the package, both Max and Sam were fighting over it and getting their hip-hop groove on. The mic amplifies your voice but also plays songs and lets you record your voice and play it back. It's the shizzle!
Once the C.D. was pumping the dance party began. Max was poppin' some SERIOUS moves. Arms were flying, heads rocking, and hips, um...gyrating? It was quite a sight.
If you love hip-hop and want to get your kids to get their groove on, you gotta get you some of this action in the hizzle. For rizzle. Oh no I di'nt. Oh yes I did.
(I missed Max's most SWEET dance moves and he couldn't be bothered to recreate them...but you get the idea.)
Oh yeah! You can get the goods at Wal-Mart!
Peace Out!
Squee!! I might just have to run out to Walmart!! That looks like WAY to much fun!!
WOW! How do I get in on that kind of stuff? Fun Fun! :)
maybe we could use this for a st joe's karaoke night?!
max looks so much older!! Where did baby Max go?
You think it's great now, but what I'm interested in is the review of the product a month from now. I would break that thing "accidentally" after a day.
Rock on'
You go girl.
Seriously, you are the funniest person I know!
I sent you an email, let me know if you don't get it.
I don't think that we talk like that in this family! FHP
Here's hopin' he'll tour here soon.
First off, thank you for the link to my blog ( and for the "atta-boy" comment that you left. I'm glad you like the site. Every once in a while I check out the blogs of people who comment on my site. I have to tell you, yours is one of the best I have seen. I was seriously laughing my way through the microphone product review. I cannot remember the last time I heard a white, 30-something, Mormon use the words, "fresh", "poppin'", words ending in "-izzle", and "di'nt". Thanks for the laugh.
-The Normal Mormon Husband
New post please!!! I find comfort in laughing at your life.
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