Please quit leaving George unattended with instructions to "Be a good little monkey!". IT DOESN'T WORK! Haven't you learned that he always gets into mischief. He's never going to change! You're just going to have to stop trying to accomplish things during the day!!! (Oh, and no showering either.)
Good luck,
Sympathetic and Smelly in R.I.

This man wouldn't be representing you would he? hmmmm? and who's the monkey, Max or Sam? In years past I would have bet on Max hands down but little sammy can hold his own.
I've been very tempted to call DCFS on the man with the yellow hat. But Don't know his name.
I loved that movie!
I can't take that show. It drives me crazy. Why do people, the man in the yellow hat included, insist on letting some stupid monkey watch over their various businesses/possessions? I had to speed up my morning routine so I could sneak out the door to work so I wouldn't have to endure another moment of the stupid lady who let George look after her candy shop. Then again I have a problem with most children's television -- it's so juvenile.
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