Yesterday felt to me like the real first day of Spring. I know, I know...it was supposed to be last week sometime but we've had a snow storm since then so obviously Mother Nature doesn't consult her calendar enough.
But YESTERDAY...yesterday made up for a multitude of horrendously cold Rhode Island days. When I woke up it was to find we'd had some rain. The ground was wet and the air smelled clean and heavy. Then the temperature proceeded to rise to a blissful 70 where it stayed almost all day...despite intermittent clouds. Not only was it warm, but things are actually starting to bloom. I saw crocus in the neighbors yard and a few tulips popping up in ours.
But YESTERDAY...yesterday made up for a multitude of horrendously cold Rhode Island days. When I woke up it was to find we'd had some rain. The ground was wet and the air smelled clean and heavy. Then the temperature proceeded to rise to a blissful 70 where it stayed almost all day...despite intermittent clouds. Not only was it warm, but things are actually starting to bloom. I saw crocus in the neighbors yard and a few tulips popping up in ours.
The boys played outside for hours and turned the bath tub black when they finally came in. THEN, they were so tired they were both in bed and asleep by 7 p.m.!!!
The biggest bonus, though, is that I was motivated to clean the house! (And that doesn't happen every day!) So today we all woke up to more sunshine and a sparkling kitchen!
Hooray for SPRING!!!
Warning: We, too, were treated to some splendid spring weather this week. Now, it's cold and gloomy once again. And headed your way.
But it has to stay warm eventually ... right?
Can we all move to Cardiff by the Sea or Carmel by the Sea - Yet??
We'll meet you there in 4.25 years!
Ahhh...I love spring. We have been playing outside too and have been loving it!!!! Hooray for Spring!
Not to rub it in or anything, but we went swimming at the beach today. OK. I am trying to rub it in.
So I'm really just trying to entice you to visit!!! Come now!
i was thinking about you recently. one time i can't really remember why. but the other time was on sunday because i think my first stake or general conference was with my warners! heh. well just wanted to say hi! =]
For me spring has arrived when you keep the windows open 24/7 and that only happened last week as well.
There's just something about all the fresh air that makes cleaning actually fun!
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