Our first full day in the Magic Kingdom. We made it to the park early to pack in as much fun as humanly possible. Of course we had to take the classic picture right inside the front entrance.
Yes. I forced my husband and sons to wear matching shirts. Sue me! They look so stinkin' cute, it's worth the mockery I can hear running through your collective minds!!!
The first ride to be a huge success with all four kids was the Indy Racers. Sammers had this look on his face the whole ride. When we got off he said
"We do dat 'gain, Momma? (He's a huge fan of "Cars" the movie.)

The crazies in the car right behind me had to promise no crashing. I didn't want to go into premature labor. (At least not at D-world.)
Joe and Curtis
That's right. They got to wear non-matching shirts. (I care not what you think...)
Ang and Claire
Claire wasn't entirely sure what to think of some of the rides, or how she felt being surrounded by so many wild boys. But I choose to believe she had fun anyway.
Three buddies: Curtis, Sammers, and Max pushed by lady with hideous belly-button. (Yes. If you zoom in you can actually see it through my clothing. SICK!)

Aarrh, Matey!!!
"Hey look! I'm dangerous too! My mom and dad finally caved and I got to pick weapons for my souvenirs!!! Now I sleep with my hook on and sword by my side! Aren't you proud Captain Hook?"
("I learned it from watching YOU Dad!!!)

The highlight of Doug's day: The Femullet*
*Spelling has been corrected.