Considering this, I think all the food turned out pretty dang good. In fact, I've been enjoying the leftovers immensely!!! (And we only missed our target eating time by about 30 minutes!)
I made the Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Bean Casserole, and (of course) Peanut Butter Pie. Chef D and his cooking side-kick/assistant, Max, made the pie crusts, Jell-o and delicious (very labor intensive) Parker House Rolls. (I'm salivating just thinking about it.) Happily, we had some good friends over to help us celebrate the day and eat some of the food!

Later in the day, all the pumpkins disappeared and red and green boxes were retrieved from the storage room and dusted off.
Saturday morning we headed to a tree farm to pick our tree* and then spent all afternoon and evening decorating it and the house.
Let me amend that a bit...I decorated all day, my husband went to watch the BYU/Utah football game THEN came home and helped. (F.Y.I. BYU won. "and there was much rejoicing...yeaaaah!")
We got 700 lights put up and then the boys joined in to help put on the ornaments. (While simultaneously staring at "The Polar Express" d.v.d.)
(Ahh...that's a great picture. The little posers!)
I have to say I love our tree. The next picture just doesn't do it justice. It's so pretty!!! I know my friend Ginger will say I'm a tree murderer, but I say, our tree is fulfilling the purpose of its creation. And doing it quite splendidly I might add. (The same goes for the Thanksgiving turkey we just ate. umm....turrrkeyyy!)
After all that work, now we get to sit back enjoy the Christmas holidays! So bring on the Neil Diamond Carols and fruit cake! The Dubs are ready for the Christmas season to begin!
*If you'd like a fabulous description of the experience, see this blog. You'll have to search the Nov. archives to find the November 11th entry but it's worth it. No need for me to duplicate effort.