Feb 16, 2025

It actually took me 30 minutes to get ready…

I got home Valentines night and couldn’t quit worrying about Jeff and Laura. I texted Laura pretty late about IG posts and got a response at 1:22 am. So I texted back and said “Do you want me to drive to Utah with you both? I’m worried about you. I can pack in 15 minutes and be ready to go in the morning any time.”

At 1:32am she said “Oh my goodness that you would even be willing to. Sleep and we’ll talk in the morning. I feel like your lil family could use a break from this and their mama all to themselves for the days we’re gone.”

In the morning we compromised and I came with them bringing Lincoln with me. 

A few minutes in to the trip I inwardly panicked a little. Felt suddenly very scary to be driving away from my home, not in my own car, without Doug and without control of my movements.

I told myself “I have Xanax in my travel pill box if necessary.” And then I told myself I wouldn’t be able to help Jeff drive if I took it. But it turns out it only had to serve it’s regular function: Telling my brain it would be there just in case without actually being ingested. (Also, Jeff never did let me drive.)

The trip took allllll day. But Linc was so so great in the car. Happy to read his book and play games on the iPad.

We got to stop in St George and meet the woman who sells the “Salty.” sweatshirts Michelle W. sent us. We bought a bunch more from her and got back on the road. It was emotional for Laura and things started to go down hill a little after that. Laura started feeling uncomfortable and was getting pretty sick the last hour and a half. But we made it to Julie’s and got Laura squared away and Ruth and Scott picked me up and took me to their house and I was so so glad I got in the car. It seems I need to keep Laura close but it turns out I also need some Ruth time.

Glad I came.

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