*Warning! This post contains graphic information regarding the s-e-x of our baby!!!"
When Doug came home from his TDY in San Francisco, he brought more than just Sour Dough Bread for my souvenir.
He also brought this:

Since this was a few weeks ago, it was too early for an ultra-sound and we were, understandably, anxious to know the s-e-x of this baby. (#4)
So, the morning after he got home, Doug dragged me out of bed at 6:30 a.m. so I could do the test. (You have to use morning pee.) Here's how it works. You pee in a cup. You use a syringe to pull out an exact amount of pee and put it in another cup already containing a mystery substance. A crystally/powdery mixture. Then you wait ten minutes.
If the pee stays yellow or orange, you've got a GIRL.
If it turns green, BOY.
My pee turned green. Immediately.
"Told ya!" I said. And went back to bed for an hour.
The next day, I picked up the packaging and started reading more carefully. We'd followed the directions correctly. But then there was a Q&A section which said "Preliminary studies have found un-protected s-e-x within the last 48 hours can lead to a false "male" result." (Or something to that effect.)
Huh! I thought. Maybe there's still a slim chance we're having a girl!
('Cause, you know...we'd...a..........nevermind.)
When I told my friend Julie about the results, she said,
"You need to check the Chinese Calendar. The Chinese Calendar is NEVER WRONG. I trust it over your test."
So I checked the Chinese Calendar.
It said...
Well, around these parts you can't get an ultra-sound until 22 weeks and then they may or may not tell you the gender.
But you CAN go to an O.B. clinic in Hachinohe, pay 2,000 yen, and get an ultrasound with video!
So at 17 weeks and 6 days, we did.
The Doctor came in. A distinguished older Japanese man. He smiled politely as he pointed out the beating heart, skull, spine, arms, and then...bum and legs. Legs with something in between them. "Boy?" we asked. There was definitely something there. He just smiled serenely and pointed to a sign on the wall.
"S-e-x cannot be determined until 24 weeks. Results are not guaranteed."
He just kept smiling and shaking his head.
We just kept saying "Boy! Yep! It's a boy!" We've seen boy ultrasounds in the past, ya know.
We brought home the pictures and the video tape.
A few days later I showed my friend Tami. She's a pediatric nurse. She looked at the picture. "I dunno. That's awfully big for only 18 weeks!" (Doug grunts like Tim the Tool Man in the background saying "Yeah! Dub Boy!" in a deep voice.)
Tami: "Maybe that's a hand!"
(If so, my little girl was giving me the finger.)
Then she watched the video.
"Okay, that's a boy!"
Uh huh! Thought so!
A few days later some other friends, the B's, had us over for dinner.
Dr. B also happens to be my O.B.
Doug brought the video.
"Well, I don't usually look at such early ultrasounds. Usually I don't see them until the third trimester. But it DOES look like a boy to me. Of course, it could be a girl with c_____ g______..." (Trust me when I tell you it's something freaky you DON'T want your baby girl to have.)
WHAT THE...?!?!?
We'll take a boy, thankyouverymuch!!!
No more verification needed!
Yep! We're having a BOY!
And I'm fine with that.
We're happy!
We love boys!
And I'm planning to adopt a girl.
No more rolling the dice for me!
No, I'm not joking.
Yes, I'm totally serious.
I will get my girl. I WILL!!!
(Let me know if you know of any birth mom's who want their baby to have four big brothers!!! THANKS!)
Ta-Ta For Now!