(I switch between first and third person narrative throughout this post. Deal with it.)
Positively Haight Street
Three pretty "Painted Ladies"

Lee, Brett and Doug on graduation day.
(Where's Nate?)

July: We get settled in and try to adjust to 80%+ humidity.
The whole family spends a week in New York while Doug completes orientation.

August: San Francisco friends (now living in Michigan) visit and help us celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary.
Molly, Kim, Brett and Kody in front of our Newport house.

My anniversary present: A Trampoline!!!
January: As 2006 begins, we realize it's only a matter of time before we have to leave San Francisco. We start frantically photographing all of our favorite spots in earnest.

February: Emily turns 28 while Doug is interviewing in Rhode Island. We learn we'll be moving to Rhode Island. Emily has to look at a map to find Rhode Island...then starts house hunting on-line.

March: We visit Carlsbad, (near San Diego) while the Flower Fields are in bloom. This further cements our desire to be living here as soon as possible. (2011)

April: Doug has a three-week externship somewhere in the boonies and takes the opportunity to grow as much of a beard as it's possible for him to grow. (Which isn't much.) I stare at it in amazment then tell him to shave.
I take the boys to Utah while he's gone and get to see my very good friend and ex-roommate Anna; who, because she worked at "The Rock Garden" in Provo and snuck me in free one night, is responsible for me meeting Doug exactly 6 years previously. (Did I mention I'm responsible for her meeting her husband? Did I mention she's a much better Rock Climber???)

May: Emily travels to Rhode Island to house hunt.
While she's away, Doug buys his own house. A bounce house.
Emily is still in shock at his impulse-buy 7+ months later.
Doug takes, and passes, the Dental Boards using his wife as a patient/guinea pig. We're still working on rebuilding a relationship of trust.
Gin, Me, Kim, Em

Also, UCSF Dental/Medical School Friends start gathering more frequently for photo's, play dates, and parties...
in anticipation of being scattered across the country upon graduation.

June: Quite the month.
Banquet's and parties abound leading up to graduation.

(don't we clean up nice?)

(Where's Nate?)

Max saying goodbye to two of his best girl friends, Ani and Abby.
Goodbye San Francisco!

Goodbye familiarity and everything we know and love!
Here we come RHODE ISLAND!!!

July: We get settled in and try to adjust to 80%+ humidity.
The whole family spends a week in New York while Doug completes orientation.

Samuel turns TWO and stays perfectly sweet, well-mannered, and obedient
for another 6.4 minutes.

August: San Francisco friends (now living in Michigan) visit and help us celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary.
Molly, Kim, Brett and Kody in front of our Newport house.

My anniversary present: A Trampoline!!!

September: Grandpa "Dub" visits and we explore Boston and Cape Cod with him. Of course, some of the most beautiful scenery is right outside our front door.
(See below.)

A wedding of friends takes us to Canandaigua, Palmyra, and Niagara, NY.
October: Doug turns 29 which is REALLY old. Fae (my most gracious and revered mother) visits and we tour New Hampshire and Newport, RI.

November: A visit to Plymouth, Massachusetts and our first Thanksgiving without parental supervision. (Or cooking assistance.)

December: Max turns FIVE and now thinks he's allowed to do whatever he wants. We take another trip to New York to see it in all its Christmas splendor.

The best part of the year: We get to see Baby Boy #3 for the first time!

If you made it to the end of this post, you really like us. Thanks! (Or maybe you were just bored...?)
It's been a bloody long year, this has been a bloody long post, and I need a nap.
See you next year!!!