On our way home from Utah after Thanksgiving, I had lots of time in the car and not a lot to do so I started messing around with playlists on Spotify.
I'll confess, I'm very new to Spotify. Max has it and one day asked me for the name of a song he wanted to add to one of his playlists.
I promptly stole his phone and started making this super kick-butt 80's playlist for him. I may or may not have been a master of the mix tape back in the day. But that's neither here nor there. Over the next few days, I kept adding to "Max's Rad 80's".
And then he was like:
"Mom, give me my phone back and make your own Spotify account. Also, can you get us premium?"
And I was like:
"Whatevs. You are welcome for the best music you've ever heard!! Top 40 sucks and Hip Hop is for losers! Tell your friends! And NO, we're not getting premium."
Or something.
Anyway, I got cut off from my rad playlist and decided I would just go ahead and make my own Spotify account-- like he said-- even though I *mostly* almost always categorically disapprove of anything I...
a) hear about from a teenager first and/or
b) am told to do by a teenager
But then we're all stuck in the car and we have 10 billion more hours and Doug wants some music on and Max wants me to pick one of his Spotify playlists....
Which reminds me that his taste in music is questionable and mine is amazing......
So I play my Rad 80's mix and then start working on a NEW list. This time in my very own account.
Turns out I was in a mood and wanted some music to match my mood.
I wanted to feel some feelings. Not necessarily sad or mad or angry feelings. Just *deep* feelings. The feelings that make you cry a little on the inside.
I started creating a playlist titled--for lack of a more clever name:
I got a few songs on it and thought it would be fun to ask Facebook for suggestions. I even tagged a few people who I happen to know have strong feelings about music--and also similar taste to mine.
Aaaaaaaannnnnnndddddd....it was a really good decision.
I don't want to over-sell it or anything, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut...
this playlist may just be my gift to humanity.
My legacy. The best thing I've ever created.
(Except for, ya know, my kids and whatnot.)
So anyway, if you want you can "Follow" my "Angsty" playlist on Spotify.
If you need help, ask your kids to 'teen-splain' it to you. (FYI, Teensplaining--which I just coined--is 10,000 X more obnoxious than Mansplaining so prepare yourself for some serious condescension from your adorable child.)
(If you want to avoid all that you can listen from the link in the side bar over there in the right side bar.)
I've been listening to this play list for a few days and I have to say it's almost perfect. If I were currently taking Zoloft, I would be increasing my dose. But in a good way, ya know??
And let me know if you have any suggestions!
My Spotify User Name is: Emilydeon and the playlist is "Angsty".