Sep 14, 2008

I just wanted to rinse off his grubby little feet...
He wanted a bath.

And what Gabey wants, Gabey gets!

P.S.  Don't you just love the edgy, vibrant color scheme in my new kitchen?  There is actually a slight tinge of mauve hue in the counter tops!  Beat that!

P.P.S.  I took this picture on Thursday.  BEFORE our stuff came.  My kitchen is no longer even remotely this clean.  The counter is no longer even visible.


  1. I'm impressed your counters are so clean-- how did you do that so fast since your last post?

  2. Well actually, I set this to auto publish. I wrote it on Thursday BEFORE our stuff came...

    But in the mean time, I have cleaned off one tiny corner of my counters. I stare at it and pretend the rest of the house doesn't exist.

  3. I see the mauve. (I'm lying.)

  4. military housing is great isn't it!!!! and actually the air force usually has better housing than anyone else. at least in germany and in the states. not so sure about japan!!! do you have a garbage disposal there? we didn't in germany. unpacking takes forever. give yourself at least a month, maybe more.


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