Sep 16, 2008

The Joys of Moving to Japan

Unpacking Tally thus far...

Broken:  1 polka-dotted Ikea juice glass
Lost:  1 black Ikea bed knob for our queen size bed frame  
(Why it was even removed is a mystery)
Included:   5 practically empty bags of tortilla chips, 1 empty cereal box, an enormous amount of dust, 1 box of Cream of Wheat dispersed over an entire box of kitchen wares, and a lot of "stuff" (read: crap) that we should have left in storage.  (At least I managed to get the laundry done so I didn't have to unpack dirty clothes!)

All things considered, it was a successful move.  (Aside from the "3 weeks late" thing.)

...But if that bed knob doesn't turn up, I'm going to have an obsessive-compulsive fit the likes of which this country has never seen!!!


  1. Obviously you have a magical bed like in bedknobs and broomsticks, and one of the movers discovered this while eating tortilla chips and cereal out of your juice glass.
    He took the knob to keep it safe from those who would use it for EVIL.
    My oldest son would probably envy you living in Japan. He has an obsession with all things Nintendo, including games that have been only released in Japan, and that they sell things like Nintendo plushies there that they don't sell here. He is also really into Studio Ghibli anime and their soundtracks. Japan is a great country because of these things!
    Hope you get settled in soon!

  2. Heffalump...
    I'm laughing! I think you solved the mystery!!!
    (But seriously, I want my bed knob back!!!)

    Let me know if you want me to do any Christmas shopping for you!!! :)

  3. hahahahaha. thanks for your concern, emily <3 <3 <3. I cleared it with the bishop though. i like coed living situations, honestly. a little more nagging about the chores, but a lot less drama.

    ps, japan looks amazing!

  4. Maybe you can fashion a new knob from a ball of rice or tofu.

  5. OH NO! I'd have to get a whole new bed for sure. It's making me uncomfortable just thinking about it.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    i still just can't believe u are in japan.

  7. you actually made out pretty well. and when you move back, give the japanese movers american stuff and they'll take great care of it. my german movers wanted pnut butter and microwave popcorn. no problem!!! and our stuff arrived without a problem.

    and the bedknob wouldn't bother me that much. but i know about ten people that it would bother. you are funny.

  8. let us know when and where you find the knob!

  9. Oh my gosh, the bed knob would drive me absolutely crazy! Hope you find it :)


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