Sep 12, 2008

Surprise Visit!!!

The GOOD news is, 


The BAD news is...
                                    we got our stuff....  ...and there were SIX more crates after these five...
and Doug tends to get a little cranky when the house is a mess...

but eating Peanut Butter and Nutella for lunch made everything a TINY bit better...


  1. ahhhh . . . wishing you the best of luck with all of that. I feel for you.

  2. At least you do have stuff. It could have all gotten lost in the ocean somewhere.

    Nutella for lunch should fix everything. No fake smile should be necessary.

  3. At least you have lots of Ctaisins!!

  4. awesome lunch! oh, and i'm sorry you have to unpack everything now. but glad you got your stuff!

  5. Love the fake smile!

  6. nutella is a meal in itself.

    and you have A LOT of stuff. did you bring everything? just a hint for when you move back, get rid of everything that you can. because i hate opening a box and realizing we just shipped stuff that we didn't need.

    and if something is broken, you only have so much time to claim it.

    isn't getting you stuff like seeing an old friend?? stuff is mostly replacable, but the joy of seeing our blankets, our vacuum and our dishes just makes me feel better.

  7. wow- good luck:) Wish I was there to help-- really!

  8. Emmy, I feel your pain! Wish I could come help or take the boys off your hands for a day. Call me or tell me how to call you, I need to talk to you....L

  9. hey - it's jane from TWFD...just want to say that's amazing you're in japan! and your comment last week totally made me laugh...never really responded to it. good luck with unpacking!!!

  10. I totally recognize that smile. Doug's so silly.


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