Oct 8, 2006

Visit to Jaffrey, New Hampshire, and the Scarecrows

Yesterday (Saturday) we again left the state in search of action and adventure. What did we find? "Scarecrows on the Common" in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, and lots of beautiful fall colors and sights along the way.

Here is a photo tour of our adventure:A quick stop at Sunset View Farm in Massachusetts

We purchased a giant pumpkin, a few gourds, used the bathroom in the 200 year-old farmhouse, and were back on our way...

It took us about 3 hours total to reach our destination but that included a few detours and potty breaks...

Upon arriving at the Scarecrow Festival, I immediately spotted a native San Franciscan (note the sweatshirt) and proceeded to better make his acquaintance.

After Maxwell had a turn slobbering on numerous apples... (failing to actually get his teeth into one)

...the Mister saved the day and secured his prize. Next, it was off to make a scarecrow!!! For a small fee of course...

By-the-way, if you've ever wondered to yourself, "Does Fae like to play in the hay by the bay?" The answer is, well..."nay". She'd rather shop at the antique store across the street. And so would her youngest daughter.

Max and Dad exhibited their divergent thinking by making their scarecrow not only Christmas themed, but pregnant, and two-headed as well. Let's hear it for the boy(s)!!! ...and the she-male scarecrow!!!

After a long day, we loaded the newest member of the Dub clan (Bert) into the van and headed for home! Hooray for Scarecrow Day!!! (In the hay. Not really by a bay, but with Fae!)


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I luff Fae!

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I love Grandma Fae too! She takes care of the sewing inept!

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    New Hampshire? Are ya going to keep Maine all to yourself? It's Fire Island right?

  4. I must admit, that two-headed scarecrow is rather disturbing. Definately would do the trick in scaring away pesky crows...or neighbors!

  5. oh, how I wish we could drive to several states in only an hour! I'm totally jealous of all your fun adventures!

    PS tell the Fae that I could use a new quilt for my bedroom!

  6. Sorry Mama Bear! Fae is too busy making the boys a quilt. Maybe next trip!!!

  7. I didn't know New Hampshire was the Granite State. All the signs I saw just said, "Live Free or Die", which for some reason I found very funny.


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