Oct 12, 2006

More Fun with Fae

As Monday was Columbus Day and a holiday, my hardworking husband had the day off. We decided to stay a little closer to home and venture only one state away: to Edaville, Massachusetts to be precise. This was the location of a spectacular Edaville Cranberry Festival featuring a fabulous train ride, a visit from Curious George, and other small carnival rides as well as, of course, Cranberry Harvesting in the nearby bog. It was really fun and we even ran into some friends from church and their cute little Boo. (See her by clicking her name.)

Sammy was absolutely thrilled with the train ride, being the "Thomas" fanatic that he is.

The highlight for Max was the visit from Curious George. He stole about 15 hugs.
D and I liked watching the harvest. To do it they flood the Cranberry Field, send a machine through to knock the berries off their bushes, then suck them off the top of the water when they float up. Genius! (Who thinks of these things?!?)

Tuesday and Wednesday Dr. KidDentist was back to work so Fae and I hung out and did some shopping. She also took care of the kids a lot so I could take naps which was most appreciated.

Today we all went Apple Picking at a local orchard. It turns out, there are fun things to do without leaving the state!


  1. Well, sounds like fun! I would love to watch a harvest like that!

  2. Looks like a lot of fun. you guys sure seem to get out and do alot of stuff. we went up to apple hill last week end. gotta love those fresh apples and apple jucie. FHP

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Stop it! You are always having fun. Couldn't you just stay home and clean the toilets like the rest of us. Show off!

  4. Don't remind me about the toilets Sheba. They're suffering, believe me. Don't worry, I'll go back to being boring once my mom leaves. (I still might not clean the toilet though!)

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I cleaned the upstairs toilet today!


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