Oct 7, 2006

Visit from "The Fae"

The coolest mom on the planet has come for a visit! You can call her The Fae, Fae, Faezer, Faez-a-rama, Grandma or Mommy. Yesterday was the first official day of her visit. (She got in really late Thursday night.) I think I can safely say we all had a pretty great morning.

7 a.m. sharp the boys were in my room anxious to see "Gwama Fae". I held them off as long as I could, (20 minutes) and then sent them downstairs. At this point I put a pillow over my head and went back to sleep for two hours. AWESOME!!!

After Max saw his presents and bonded with grandma for a few minutes, he decided to bring all present members of the family breakfast in bed. (Grandma's bed) He went back upstairs and got three plates FULL of Rice Krispy treats for the three of them and they all enjoyed the breakfast of champions.

Faezer, we all hope you never leave!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    She needs to stay here... We need some kind of pull to get you guys back to this desert paradise.


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