Oct 5, 2006

More Birthday Fun...

29 candles exactly!
(And a pre-moistened finger caught in the act!)
Celebrants awaiting cake for their Dora plates.
A little pinata action!

The birthday card Max made for his Daddy. He placed the stickers himself, told me what to write and where, and added his signature. I think it's a work of art!!!


  1. Looks like you all had a great time! What an artist Max is! Happy birthday Doug!

  2. Happy Birthday Douglass, you don't look a day over 25! Love the candles.

  3. so it looks like you get to have your b-day for an extended period of time in the blogoshere. pretty cool. FHP

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    That cake looked like it was going to implode! What cool candles! I can't believe our baby is sooooo old. Will you come and throw me a Curious George party in a month?

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    You are way too cool Mrs.Dr.D!! Did your friend with the pink site teach you that!You rock. Did I just say that!

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    That last question refers to the cool music that attracted the attention of all the kids in the room just now. I didn't hear it earlier.

  7. Happy birthday, Doug! You'd better be sending me some of that cake.


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