Oct 3, 2006

Birthday Boy!

My handsome husband turned 29 yesterday!!!
(More details to follow!!)

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  1. Sammy is definately Doug's son! My goodness, they could be twins...if Doug was darker...where does Sammers get his pigment from? So, sorry to tell ya babe but Max totally takes after you...energy, mischeviousness, and silliness combined. Don't even bother denying it!

  2. I'm just sitting here in the quiet house, innocently checking my good friend's blog when all of a sudden this music starts to blare! It scared the pee out of me, and I'm just praying it doesn't wake the kids from their naps.

  3. I have to weigh in on the issue of which kid resembles which parent. haveing had to chase Drcap. Dub around the house and yard while he was drooling, running at the nose and shouting for "la la's" I can definatly say that The good Dr. is most taken after by Max. "Spitting" image.

    sounds like a fun party. So have you begun to feel sick. it seems as if as soon as the announcement was made, symptoms start to appear. could be that I only get to "see" you on you r blog. FHP

  4. Also the music startled me too. I didn't know that one could put ones blog to music.

  5. I probably should have posted a warning regarding the music. Sorry! It startled me too the first time I ran into on someone else's blog. That's why I didn't start out with a really loud heavy metal song! Anyway, if you go to the end of my blog there's a link to the music sight. Then you too can have a blog as cool as mine!!!

  6. i'm sorry i missed the dora party, sounds like fun. i have to say, that last picture is almost as if i were looking at max in a year or so. especially after seeing the picture of max at his school! and as far as I know, the good dr captainkidteeth or whatever is still a drooler! jk


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