Oct 3, 2006

Hooray for Dug's Dora Birthday!!!!!

Yesterday Dr. Dub had his 29th birthday!!! I started preparing early by forcing myself to take a shower and wash my hair. (It's amazing how pregnancy can suppress the urge to maintain personal hygiene!) Next, I ripped the boys from their favorite PBS Kids morning line-up and we headed to Target. I told Max that his Daddy wanted a game they could play together. He picked "Operation" out of a line-up after long deliberation. Next, Sammers picked "Dora Memory" out of a selection of different "Memory" games.

At this point, Max started to believe I'd lost all buying inhibition and a strange light came into his eyes. Off we went to the candy isle to look for Pinata Stuffers. Yes, Dug got a pinata. A DORA pinata, if you must know...
We picked it up at a yard sale a few days ago for .50. Max really wanted to save it for his own birthday, but finally agreed to sacrifice it for his Daddy. (I really just didn't want to plan a Dora party for my 5 year old son. I know, I know...I'm so sexist....)

Anyway, Max started piling things into the cart...bags and bags of candy which I just as quickly had to shovel out. When we got to the party isle it was even worse. I did cave a few times and let him pick some Dora plates and a birthday hat that says "Birthday Prince". Oh yeah, and some really big candles.

By the time I finally made it out of the store, I'd spent a bit more than intended, but Max was euphoric! He couldn't wait for Daddy to come home to see all the surprises.

Unfortunately, the birthday boy didn't get home until almost 7 p.m. and by then I had completely wilted for lack of nourishment. Fortunately, I just managed to finish the requested "Creamy 4-Cheese Pasta" which we ate the minute he walked through the door (to prevent me from perishing.) No side dishes, fancy drinks, or even a table cloth. It was all I could do to get the main dish on the table. (Actually, I think Doug had to carry it to the table.) Fortunately, the delectable dinner revived us all enough to enjoy phase 2 of party night.

Soon, the S., D., Bella, & Allysa M.'s arrived for carrot cake and ice cream. (Cookie Dough ice cream doesn't really go with carrot cake, btw.) Next D opened his presents, got to answer some "What's Your Favorite..." questions, and then it was Pinata time. Now, this isn't the kind you hit. It has strings that everyone pulls until the bottom pops open and dumps the candy. Unfortunately, Sam pulled most of the streamers off so D and the kids had to share the remaining two. When it did open, both dentists in the room were slightly appalled at the amount of candy, but like Dr. M's wife said "A pinata without candy is a waste of a pinata." I heartily agree.

Overall it was a fun, if somewhat rushed, party. (The kids were all up past bedtime.)
I think Dug enjoyed it, but I'm not entirely certain since I was fast asleep by 9 p.m. He's got the whole rest of the month to party though, so that should help.



  1. I would just like to say, this may not be the first time you spent more than you intended when it came to Target. Just an observation.:)

  2. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I was dying to get my hands on the green jacket picture to blog a birthday tribute the the BUG!! So thanks for taking the premonition and running with it! I love that cute little boy. He was our baby and still is. We love Buggie! Hang in there EMMM - you only have 8 or so months left to go...

  3. Its OK for ME to have a Dora birthday though? It was a great Birthday...E did such a good job taking care of me and helping me feel extra Special!!!!!!!!!1


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