Sep 30, 2006

Time to Call Dr. House?

I've been having some "health" problems lately that are rather disturbing. Here are a few of the symptoms I'm dealing with:

>My hair is falling out by the fist full.

>My skin is broken-out and my fingernails are growing at warp speed.

>Today I made myself an omelet for dinner and then voluntarily ATE IT!

>The minute I wake up in the morning I start calculating how soon I can reasonably go back to bed.

>Jeans that were loose when I bought them have now taken on the characteristics of Spandex which I must now pour myself into each day (at around noon).

>I have to eat ice cream every single day. (Okay, so maybe that's not really a new thing...)

>I have to wake up once (sometimes twice) every night to pee.

>I burp frequently but have to be sitting straight up to do so. (I mother would be appalled...)

So is it time to visit a specialist? Is it a tumor? A strange disease? A rouge strain of the bubonic plague????

It's a BABY!!!

Expected end of symptons: Mid May


  1. Yea!!! Congratulations!! What fun! I hope some of those symptoms ease up before May - I would hate for you to be bald with 10 inch finger nails for the arrival of your new little one!

  2. yay!!!! that is sooo awesome and im gonna force the rents to let me come out and see it (her...i wanna new baby irl cousin please..but i will take what i can get)

    i love you!

    -princess dub

  3. hoorah! now our baby will have a cousin in the same grade. (although i'm expecting her to be a genius so she may be in med school by puberty.) i'm rooting for a girl!

  4. the above should say "girl" but i'll settle for an "irl"


  5. Very Exciting, I wonder if the baby will talk like a new englander? Congratulations FHP

  6. yay!!!! see. it wasn't the banana sandwich, it was the baby!

  7. Well, it's all going to change now. I don't think I'm ready for 3 kids, I'll wait and see how you handle it! BTW, isn't your hair supposed to be fabulous until after the baby comes out? I can't lose anymore hair or I'll have to invest in Rogaine!

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Congratulations sweet Emily. You will have our 21st grandchild. Wow, this will cost me me more Disney dollars over the years, but I can handle it if you can. I think my part will be easier. Besides the negatives of hair and fingernails, the good part is, you won't have to go on "The Tower of Terror or The Rockin Roller Coaster", in March. We Love You, Dad

  9. Anonymous9:47 AM

    hahahahaha, i was totally like, "oh I know what's going on..." =)

    congrats em! now we can be pregnant together.

  10. Anonymous9:48 AM

    p.s. Veronica Mars starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!

  11. Em, congrats. If your blog had a more normal name, we might check it more. I hope it is another boy - your house needs some energy!

  12. I forgot to mention the constant nausea. Bleh!!!!!


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