Jun 13, 2013

European Vacation Day 4 - Gold Beach in Arromanches and Versailles with B's.

The next morning after another delightful breakfast, we headed out in the rain for our last Normandy destination: Gold Beach in Arromanches. We had stopped by briefly the night before, but came back to go through the Musée du Débarquement. I was glad we did. I could have spent hours wandering around in there.

Learning all about Mulberry Harbor, the floating harbor built by the allies, was amazing. It was thanks to this incredible innovation that supplies were provided to the Allied troops helping them win the war.  Although it was meant to be temporary, pieces are still floating out in the channel.

After another peek back in time, we headed out of Normandy to our next destination: Monet's Home and Garden in Giverny-80 miles west of Paris.
We were thrilled to be meeting another Misawa couple, Ryan and Diane.  (You may remember Ryan as my former home teacher and OBGYN.)
As a huge fan and long time admirer of Impressionist art and artists, I was SO EXCITED to visit Giverny. This was probably the only time I REALLY wished we had taken a real camera with us to Europe instead of relying on our i-phones.  These photos just don't do justice to the beautiful flowers and scenery.
 Although it was incredibly crowded, it was still fun walking through his house and gardens and had an excellent gift shop for an art lover. I could have browsed that gift shop for hours, but it turns out, the men I was traveling with, could not.

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