Jan 12, 2013

Hooray for Friends!!!

Two days after Christmas, we got a really cool present.  A visit from our great friends Tami and Wes and kids.  They were on their way from Argentina (where they went after Monterey where they went after Japan) to Germany where they are for the next few years.  We were thrilled to have them as visitors for a few weeks.  I could make a whole book of the visit but here are a few of the highlights:
Many treats, many shows, many smiles

Wes and Tami

Fondue New Year's Eve Party

Entertaining kids at Art Soup while Dad's go biking and then surfing and then kayaking

Point Loma
Just Wes being awesome
Lots of fun at the beach

Camille and Max playin' it cool
Lots of late night Settlers

Everyone loved Cutie Jocelyn

BFF's.  Used to be engaged, but Madeleine wants to see other people now.

A very versatile Ped. Dentist 

Lots of dance parties

We had tons of fun with the H family and are hoping to see them again soon in GERMANY and or Paris!!!  (Maybe next spring if we can save up enough!)

Love you guys!!!  :)

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