Mar 30, 2013


My mom died nine days ago, March 21st at 12:18 a.m.

When my brother Brandon was a teenager, Faezer could frequently be heard saying she would die of aggravation.  And she did.  I think the leukemia, multiple strokes, and recently diagnosed diabetes and bone cancer were extremely aggravating.  (She also used to joke that she wanted her tomb-stone to say "I told you I was sick!"  She was!)

The night she died, all five of her kids were with her around her bed.  Her husband of 5.5 years, John, and my sister-in-law Christina were also there.

I was lucky enough to have arrived in Utah the Sunday before she died which was her last semi-coherent day.  My sister living in Romania also arrived on Sunday so my mom got to see all of us and knew we were all there with her.  The same night, five of her siblings drove from all over Utah to see her.  The sixth sibling in California got to see her via Skype.  There was a lot of singing, and a lot of kissing her on the forehead.

Over the next few days, one of us was with her almost every minute.  We sang her a million songs:  lullabies, hymns, primary songs, and Anne Murray.  Sunday she was able to sing along in perfect harmony.  By Monday she could only hum a little.

The funeral was held Saturday the 23rd.
Brandon gave the Eulogy and Uncle Duane (Mom's baby brother) and the bishop also spoke.  I sang with my siblings, "You Are My Sunshine", and mom's siblings sang "Abide with Me Tis Eventide".

It was extremely sweet to see so many friends--old and new-- and family members attend.  It was a great party and I know she was there enjoying it with us.  You could just feel the love people had for her radiating through the room.

It is pretty much universally acknowledged that my mom was an angel incarnate.  She made everyone around her feel loved, admired, and appreciated.  The funeral was a testament of that.

We buried her ashes Monday the 25th.
The grandkids released white balloons with notes for Grandma in heaven.
Everyone who wanted one got a piece of bubblegum in her honor.
We sang her one last lullaby--"Tell Me Why"--a family favorite.

I'm really really going to miss her.  But considering her health history, I'm extremely grateful I got to have her for 35 years.  Just wish she could be here to meet baby boy #5.  But I know she'll see him off with a kiss in heaven.

Love you Mommy!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing Em. I loved your mom and am so happy she got to have all of you around her at the end of her life on earth. That is a true tribute to her.

    So there's a boy #5 coming along? Sneaky way to announce that! I did write a note to all your family on the Mortuary Website. Hope you all got to read it.

    Love, Aunt Sue (A True Fan of your Amazing Family)

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Em! She really was a angel!

    Are you seriously pregnant? I thought that was an April 1 joke! Congratulations (if it's true!! :))

  3. I can only imagine the kind of loss you're experiencing, but am glad you have been able to find peace in the experience. I really like the balloon idea. That was a nice touch.

  4. Corinne Simpson3:40 PM

    Dear Emily, Thank you for sharing the pictures. I'm glad you could all be there by her side. What great children she raised. My love goes out to you. Love, Aunt Corinne

  5. Beautiful post Emily. Your Mom sounds like an amazing lady. And she must have been seriously tough considering how many illnesses she has been dealing with.

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. What a sweet tribute. Fae was an amazing woman. What a blessing you were all able to be with her over her last few days on earth. Love you lots Sweet cheeks!!!!


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