Jul 23, 2011

"I'm So Far Behind I Think I'm First"

Pretty sure I had a "Garfield" poster saying that when I was a kid.  Or maybe it was on one of those posters you could get at the Book Fair and one of my teachers had it hanging in her classroom at Butler Middle School...?  And maybe it wasn't Garfield but an adorable gray kitty in a track suit...?  Hmm.  I'm sad that I'm thinking about this.

Anyway, what I wanted to say before I got sidetracked by that little cat tangent, is that I'm so far behind in my blogging that I don't even know where to start.

We've been doing lots of stuff lately.
Fun stuff, not so fun stuff...all sorts of stuff.

I.e., we've moved.


We're actually still in transit.

In Hawaii.

It's called "Circuitous Travel" and your tax dollars are paying for it.
("Sorry Suckas!" as Max and Sam would say...)

We've had a great trip despite the jet-lag and occasionally whiny/irrational/ungrateful/tired/bratty but adorable children.

No really!  We have!  It's been fun!  But we're ready to get to California and start building a practice without a 16 hour time difference and poor Skype connection interfering.

So that's what's going on.  I plan to do a few pre-dated catch-up posts when life settles down, but it may never settle down again, so no guarantees.  (Not that you give a rip about our Hawaii trip, but when did lack of audience interest ever stop anyone from sharing vacation pictures?  Huh?  That's right:  Never.)

Now we know where everyone stands.   Oh wait...I actually don't know where you stand.  Are you FOR vacation photos or AGAINST?  Or would you rather just talk about how we're going to decorate Doug's new dental office?

Confessions of love?

I want them all.  Comment on!



  2. i vote for the photos. i may never get to my husband to take me to hawaii, so i need to see all i can through other people's pictures. :)

  3. I just want more pictures of you:) It's always a challenge to get pictures of the parents, so that's your job--post more pics of you and Doug. And yes, I love vacation photos, as you know.

  4. Photos of vacation and also discussion on decorating Doug's office. LOL


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