Mar 16, 2011


It's been a long day.  I had nightmares all night last night and didn't sleep well.  But then things were looking up.  The day started out great--getting to meet Melanie and Kelsey!!!  But after posting the pictures, trying to post the video multiple times (to no avail--the Internet is moving veeeerrryyyy sloooooowly)...the day just got...blah.  Depressing.

The boys are restless.  They're fighting a lot.  They're watching too much t.v., always asking for snacks, and absolutely trashing the house at every opportunity.

I feel useless.  I want to be out doing things to help Japan, but I can't even seem to find the energy to clean up my own house.   Last night I wrote an angry e-mail.  Really angry.  This morning I woke up wondering how I could feel so sad and angry at the same time.

*School is cancelled again for tomorrow.  It requires too much power.
*Scouts was cancelled for Max today.
*Our Japanese piano teacher cancelled the boys lessons for tomorrow.  Said he couldn't leave the house because of the gas shortage.  He lives in Hach. so I was just glad to hear from him.
*The Relief Society birthday that was supposed to be next week has been postponed indefinitely.  The theme is (was going to be) "Happiness-Women are that they might have joy."  I was supposed to make the smiley face cakes for dessert.  (I was thinking of a lemon cake with lemon curd filling and a lemon butter cream frosting.  Too lemony you think?)
*I was planning a quick over-night trip to Korea on Monday.  Not happening.
*Everything, EVERYTHING is cancelled.  Or delayed.  Or postponed indefinitely.
Resources are just too limited!

Tonight my neighbor and I went for a drive.  We needed a few minutes to decompress and vent and yell and laugh.  Of course, we shouldn't be driving anywhere.  The gas supply is getting lower and lower.  But it helped to get out of our houses and process a little.

Tomorrow will be a new day.
And life will go on.

Even while it is standing still in Japan.


  1. Aw, hang in there Em! I can only imagine how hard it is day to day. I hope that you can feel happiness even when you are surrounded by chaos. Know we're praying for you!

  2. I am so sorry for the things you are all having to go through. We pray for you and everyone in Japan on a daily basis! I feel guilty for not being there to go through this with everyone as we should still be there for another 2 years. We love you all and will continue to pray for everyone in Japan. Please let me know if I can do anything! Stay safe.

  3. Emily, things sound really tough. I am so very sorry! We prey for your family and everyone in Japan every chance we get. Hang in there. Lots of love! Kristen

  4. Oops, meant pray. I am typing one handed while I nurse :)

  5. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Praying for you!!! Oh, how I remember being a young mother. Take advantage of some of those refugee school teachers. They love kids! :)
    Beth Fullerton

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hi Emily! I am Melanie's aunt (yes her whole family will be stalking you now...) and would like to say- Thank you and that you should not feel useless!
    I usually don't even like blogs very much (no offense) but have been blessed by reading your blog today. (don't tell my employer...) While you may think what you have done is small, for us it is huge! I have laughed and cried at the same time! I am also glad to see that your Dad can now acknowledge that you are a nice person! Certainly, you must have come a long way! ha!
    Blessings and prayers to you as I know this will be a long recovery period!
    P.S. Please tell your friend Kristen that I don't think she should nurse and type at the same time.

  7. Buck up little camper, it can't rain forever!

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    You can do this! I'm with Mindy on this. I was seriously complaining about what the heck I was going to do with my kids for spring break and then I read your post...very humbling. You are in my prayers. I hope today is better and every day after this will keep getting better for all of you in Japan!

  9. Been thinking about you a ton Emily. I am so glad you are safe. You are doing an amazing job holding everything together.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You can do it Emmy! I love Beth Fullerton's idea to get some of those teachers busy. Wish we could swing over and take those kids off your hands and a few of your friends. I too feel frustrated and semi-depressed (not unusual:) that I can't do anything to help you. Turn on your 90s music and give those boys a cleaning rag and dance some dirt away. We believe in you!

  11. Hi Emily! I'm Melanie's sister. I was speechless when I read your previous post. I couldn't stop the tears. Thank you, thank you, thank you for hugging my sister and posting the pictures!!!! It means so much to all of us. We are praying for peace, joy, and safety for all of you. Again, thank you!! There are no words. :)

  12. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Hi Emily,
    I am Melanie's father, Cliff Fullerton. I really appreciate the attention you gave Melanie and for posting the pictures. If you need a lift, Melanie and her friends are pretty funny. Melanie's blog will you give you a hint of that. Ask them about Duffy. That might get them going. :) If not then ask Melanie to tell stories about her mother, sorry Beth. One of those should start some laughter.

    Seriously, what a great blessing for people who are in need to serve each other. I am sure that over the next few weeks you will have even more chances to help the Japanese and others around you. We will be praying for you and your friends whiie we thank God for you.

    Tell your husband, thanks for serving our country also. This will be a time for our country to show its character to the Japanese. I am glad that you and your family are there to do that.


  13. Hey lady. Thinking of you. Besides donating money, is there anything else you can think of for us (us meaning, anyone outside of Japan) to do?

    Praying for your family.

  14. Love you Em. Many prayers are for you. And all the others too. Love, Aunt Sue

  15. I wish you and your family well!! I found your blog through my sister {sara schofield} blog and I couldn't help but talk about your blog on my following!?...anyways I am so glad your family is ok and I have been reading your blog for a while now and reading about what everyone is doing to help! I wish there was something I could do to help!! You are all in our prayers!!

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This is a really neat blog, well written and I appreciate your efforts to tell us what's going on. It makes it more real for us here.

    As far as dealing with testy kids and challenges in these dire circumstances...try to remember that this will be one of the finest experiences of your life and that of your children, and cause of much laughter and maybe tears. You never live quite so vibrantly or fully as in times of disaster.

  17. So I shared your blog on my blog... Hope you don't mind! I've been thinking about you guys! Hang in there.. I know easier said than done!

    Stay safe!

  18. A memory to make you smile (maybe queasy).....Adam in your teeny tiny pink frog boxer shorts..enough said!

    Now go turn on Eres Tu and sing it at the top of your lungs, I'll be singing with you. Como una promesa, eres tu, eres tu Como una manana de verano Como una sonrisa, eres tu, eres tu Asi, asi, eres tu.... I love you sweet-cheeks!

  19. Hey Em, When I heard you guys had snow, I thought I'd share this for your boys. 1. Spray bottle. 2. Food dye in water. Let the fun begin! Love, Aunt Sue

  20. Prayers to your family and country tonight.

  21. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Love the blog and I am glad you are all okay. Stay safe and warm.

  22. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Hi Emily, this is Kelseys mom, Debbie again. I just wanted to let you know again how much I appreciated what you did for my daughter. That meant alot to me and Kels dad. You are my "new best friend"!! Kels is coming home in a few days but I wish she could give you a HUGE HUG from me and tell you to hang in there. Please stay safe and thank you again for all you and your family are doing over there. We will continue to pray for you and Japan!
    Thanks again and God Bless....debh

  23. I don't know..... perhaps the super-lemony cakes would be very appropriate. You know, "When life hands you lemons, make lemon cakes!"

  24. Hi, I am good friends with your SIL Laura's sister and I have checked in on your Japan adventures from time to time... I have been glued to your blog though since this happened; you are amazing and the story/connection wtih Kelsey and Melanie is also amazing; how wonderful to have been able to help their families feel some relief about their safety. Praying for everyone in Japan from here in AZ!


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