Mar 15, 2011

American Refugees from Sendai

After my shower and breakfast this morning, I sat down to see if there were any comments on yesterdays post and saw these two:

Hi! My name is Beth Fullerton and I live in a suburb of Dallas, TX. A friend of my oldest daughter sent your blog link to us. My middle daughter has been living in Sendai for the last year and was a teacher at the Meysen Academy in Sendai when the eathquake occurred. Her school brought them to Misawa Air Force Base a couple of days ago. She is one of the refugees you mentioned in your blog who is housed at the fitness center! Her name is Melanie Fullerton. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you had a chance to go and see her and tell her that we love her and are praying for her and her friends. We have had some contact with her since she has been at Misawa. But you know some is not enough for a mom at a time like this. My email is Thanks for any help that you may be able to offer. We are praying for all of you there in Japan!

Hi, my name is Deb Heinrich. I am another mother of one of the refugees that Beth Fullerton has mentioned. My daughter is Kelsey Heinrich and if possible could you please find her and give her a HUGE HUG from her momma!!!
Thank you so much and know that prayers are being lifted up from Carlsbad NM, and all over the US for all of you in Japan.

I called Roxanna to find out if I could just waltz myself over there.  I read her these comments and she said she'd go with me to track down these two girls and that I could take the boys to her house for Janelle to watch.

I scribbled down the two names, shoved the kids out the door, and Roxanna and I headed over stopping at the commissary for chocolates and what my college roommate used to call "party favors".  (feminine products--we'd heard they were needed.)

Americans who've been teaching English in Sendai.

A prayer circle to lift spirits
Dear Ms. Heinrich and Fullerton;  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to DO something tangible to help. When I told your daughters I was coming to deliver hugs from their moms, they both burst into tears.  (As did I.)  Your daughters have now been hugged. It was a pleasure to meet them and I hope I'll be able to do something further to help them out.  Everyone seemed stressed and upset, but they're in good hands.  Hopefully they'll be home soon!

I took some video of the girls for you too.  I'll post it here as soon as I can!


  1. That is soooooo sweet that you would do that. I think you just filled up your lamp with oil. Keep it up.

  2. More tears...good job Emmy.

  3. I'm so glad you were able to do that! I shed a few more tears. N was crying a lot tonight thinking about her beloved Japan and all the places she'd visited. Love you guys. ~JF

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! I can't wait to see the video. It does my heart good to know she got a "momma hug"! You are such a blessing!!
    Thank you Emily
    Deb Heinrich

  5. You totally have me crying. From the moment the earthquake occurred I have been wondering how you and your family are. I wish I could bring blankets, coats, and food right on over, as I know we have extra. We are keeping all of you in our prayers.

  6. Oh my gosh, Emily! I am so glad you actually went and found them!!! What a blessing for the moms...I can only imagine their feelings. Great job!!!

  7. I've donated money to relief efforts, but what I really wish is that I could actually DO something to offer help and comfort. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to read about your experiences of doing exactly that. xoxoxo

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Emily, other moms and I made dinner (homemade lasagna, salad, bread, brownies) for these girls and the other refugees. Felt so good to DO something :) It was fun talking with Melanie and Kelsey. Lots of hugs for everyone!

  10. I have just spent my entire workout time this morning (while the kids still sleep) reading the past 10 posts on your blog. Two tissues later I am so grateful that I did. Hugs to you for your efforts. Take care!

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    WOW!!! I've been crying as I read your post and looked at the pics of my daughter and her friend Kelcie with you! You are sooo wonderful for doing this!!! I had already heard from my daughter that you had come but it was so great to see the girls on your blog that I just can't put my feelings into words. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
    Love and prayers to you and your family,
    Beth Fullerton

  12. You are an angel. I cried when I read this post. I just have one request can someone give you a Hug from me? It could be from one of you boys, but really from me. I love you :)

  13. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Thanks for all you're doing for those in need! And a special thanks for what you did for my girl Kelsey! My eyes are blurred as I type this. Deb and I are so happy she ended up their with you all. We can't wait to have her home. Our prayers are with you all! Thanks again we love you all.
    Kelsey's Dad---Mark

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Way to go Emily. Thank you for sharing. We are so pleased that you are who you are and who you have become....a really nice person.

    I Love You, Dad

  15. Oh, Em!What a sweet post and a wonderful opportunity to connect a family that is really far apart. Waht a blessing your blog is! :) Hope you are doing well! love and prayers to you!

  16. Anonymous6:44 AM

    You are a living example of the LDS primary song, "I am a Child of God"

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Roxanna, Just saw your post. Thank you for the homemade food you made for these teachers! Melanie loves lasagna - how did you know? :) Thank you for being such a blessing in her life!
    Beth Fullerton - Melanie's mom

  18. what a beautiful thing. kels is one of my best friends from college and i have been diligently been in prayer for hope and above all that she would feel loved- and you just gave her what the rest of us wish we could... thank you.

  19. What a wonderful story!!

  20. Who can lose hope when there is so much goodness in the hearts of people all over the world. I love you Em! I love those girls and their momma's.
    Praying, ever praying.

    PS I posted this post to facebook.

  21. I don't know how my husband found your blog, but he sent your link to me. I was so touched by your stories, that I had to blog about it, too. I stole a couple of pictures (I hope you don't mind) and shared a bit of your story. Thank you, thank you for sharing these bits of good news and charity in a horrible scenario. People are amazing.

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Way to go Emmy! I know a few more Mommas over here in the US who want to give you a great big Momma hug. Namely: Fae, Susan, Beth, Lisa, Kris, Kris, Laura, Laura, (no those weren't duplicates), Karie, Jenny(US?), Christina ... just to name a few! We love you so much and are so proud of you. You are a wonderful woman doing wonderful Christlike things. Consider yourself hugged. We all miss you and have constantly worried and prayed for you and for all those suffering in Japan.

  23. Brittani Heinrich12:02 PM

    Those pictures just broke my heart but also relieved me SOOOO much knowing that there are people there comforting my cousin Kelsey Heinrich! THINKING OF YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH... we will continue to pray!! HURRY HOME KELS! <3

    -Brittani Heinrich

  24. Emily, it is so hard to see the pictures and hear the news and know that all we can do from afar is pray and donate. I'm so glad you had the opportunity to ease the burdens and concerns of these mothers. I know that for you, it was a blessing to be able to reach out and do something meaningful. Often the server is blessed more than those served. Thank you for sharing this special experience with us. Chocolates and feminie products, the perfect comforting gift for a it. I'm Matt C's mom.

  25. Anonymous12:47 PM

    You are an angel to so many. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  26. Emily, it was so heartwarming to read this post. While we sit and watch from afar, I keep wondering what we can do to help other than pray. Glad you could do something tangible to ease minds and share love.

    Samantha (Mindy's SIL)

  27. I have tears too, thank you so much for doing that & writing about it! I read Leslie, from A Room Somewhere's blog, and saw a link to yours, checked it out & realized that you were on the same base where Melanie is! Her older sister & I were college roommates & best bud's, so I quickly passed your blog on to her hoping it would bring some comfort! Another reason I love blogs, so we can feel more connected in times like these! I'm now enjoying reading your blog, blessing to your family & praying that life can get back to "normal" soon! Thanks again!

  28. good job aunty Emmy

    i love you and miss you

    love anna

  29. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Thank you so much for posting this! Kelsey is a long time friend of mine... as I myself have had such mixed emotions and feel so sad about what has happened but happy that she is okay.. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to go through it. Your post made my tear up, and I want to say thank you for being willing to go give those girls some hugs from their Mom's. I only wish I could give some hugs too. Soon though! Thank you for caring and being willing Emily.
    Andie Fuller

  30. Shawna7:10 PM

    Emily, As Melanie's aunt it's hard to express how wonderful it was to see your blog. After so many days of prayer, tears and worry what a blessing to feel closer to Melanie. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ. Shawna

  31. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Oh my goodness. Now I'm crying here at work. I went to school with Kelsey, and I'm so glad she's safe and got some tangible love. I can't imagine anything more valuable.

  32. That is amazing service you provided! I'm sure those girls were THRILLED to be reminded how loved they are!

  33. Is there anything we can send? We could mps stuff there or is the commissary restocked and PO packed?

  34. Oh goodness! I couldn't stop crying reading this. Thank you for writing about your experience. It is beautiful, terrible, and helpful all at the same time.

  35. This made me cry! I have been following your blog religiously but somehow I missed this post. You are doing wonderful things.

    Party favors... Ha ha ha. Does anyone else in the entire world call them that? I have no idea where that name came from... Maybe Kathie or my Mom? I have called them that since Jr. High!


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