Feb 25, 2011

Doug Day 3

Day 3 (My Thursday, Your Wednesday)

Dashing D-Dub,

Should we just leave everyone hanging about your job status?

Yeah, I think so too.

See you tomorrow!




Linz said...

Cold hearted, Em...

ryanandginger said...

Ha, Ha! So funny! I was just coming to get an update on his adventures in Cali. I guess I'll have to wait. I'm pretty good at it, though..... so there!

Nathan said...

your mean

Naomi said...

I hope the news informs me that we will be neighbors.

And then, we will have to entice Felix to move back to CA.

Anonymous said...

Doug made me his special healthy oatmeal yesterday. Are you jealous? It was quite tasty. He also made us the healthy chocolate chip cookies. Yum! Don't worry though, we haven't had any fun without you.

The kids LOVE having their Uncle Doug here...but we miss you. Can't wait to see you and HOPE you'll be living in our neck of the woods sson!

Bartimaeus said...

I wish someone could update me on my job status. Well here it is I have.........

Melissa Abby said...

Lame Emily, Lame! :)