Nov 3, 2010

Next Stop: Fairfield, CA

Seattle Tacoma Airport to Albany, OR = 4 hours

Albany, OR to Fairfield, CA for a 4:00 p.m. meeting = 8.5 hours of driving with very few breaks.

I think Gabey was just waking up in these two:

I should mention that Gray-Gray did an excellent job traveling considering he HATES his car seat.  Tender mercies!

Check out the body language on Sammy in this last one:
(Yes, Max did steal his airplane blanket.)
We barely made it to Doug's brother's house in time for Doug to throw his nice clothes on and head out the door for his first official meeting with a local dentist.  It went well and we had our first inkling of not being unemployed next year!  (whew!)

Now that I look back on it, I think we all deserve a cookie!  
Or a medal, but I'd rather have a cookie.


  1. Sam look EXACTLY like you in that last picture. Love the action shots of them sleeping :)

  2. Those are GREAT pictures!! Gaby is so cute!!


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