Nov 2, 2010

Albany, Oregon and the Browns

The last time we saw the Brown's, our families met up in Palmyra, New York for the Hill Cumorah Pageant.  That was August 2007.  It was great to be able to see them again.  As I mentioned, we were neighbors during Dental School and our husbands were classmates.  After graduation, they went to Michigan for an Ortho residency and we went to Rhode Island for Doug's Pediatric residency.  

Whenever we see them, it's like no time has passed at all.  We pick up right where we left off.  (Even if we both have more kids.)

One of the best parts of this particular visit was meeting their baby, "M-Madness".  Before Kim had kids she'd look at my high-energy, mischeivious, baby-gate climbing, child-lock-picking little Max with dismay and say "My kids will all be calm and well behaved pocket babies!"  And the first two pretty much are.  So it made me laugh when little M-Madness climbed onto the table to dance and kept trying to escape out the front door.  Evidently she's quite "spirited".  I love it.

I may have mocked Kim.  

A lot.

You go Little M!  Keep your parents on their toes!!!

Sam was happy to be reunited with his first Best Friend.  They played the Wii pretty much every waking moment we were there. Their middle child (not pictured) is super adorable and kept Gabey entertained.
Despite Dr. Brown's offer that Doug move into his building and start a new practice there, we eliminated Oregon as an option based on the weather.  

Yes.  I'm a big fat whiner and I like, no NEED, SUNSHINE.  Sue me!  

We'll definitely be back a lot to visit, though, if they'll have us.  Oregon is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Oh, and by-the-way, if you're in the area and need braces, I HIGHLY recommend 
Orthodontic Specialty Care in Albany or Lebanon.  Brett rocks, plus he studied a lot and got really good grades in Dental School.  I know.  I was there.

Thanks for putting us up Browns.  We love you guys!!!

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