Aug 27, 2010

The Tribe Has Spoken

Yesterday during lunch the whole fam-dam walked over to the elementary school to look at class lists, meet teachers, and visit new class rooms.  School starts on Monday.  Afterwards as Doug walked back to work, I took the boys (all four) across the street to the BX to see what school supplies we could scrounge last minute.  (Not many.)  Shortly after wandering in, I ran into a friend from church.  She excitedly told me I had JUST MISSED meeting some visiting celebrities!  No wait...a few were still hanging around!  Would she like me to take a picture?  HECK YEAH!

Of course, if you're not into the long running hit reality show "Survivor" you wont think this is cool.  But since Doug and I watch this with the boys (not every season, but most) I was excited!

This is me with Sandra Diaz-Twine, the most recent winner from "Hero's vs. Villain's":  (She's kinda short.)
("Hey kids!  Remember the lady who threw Russell's hat in the fire 
and then won a million dollars?  This is HER!!!")

And this is me with James Clement the (extremely ripped) former grave digger (and fan favorite) who is (also) extremely shy and therefore probably didn't love me putting my arm around him.  Probably shoulda asked first.  Sorry about that James!
I also got to chat with Russell who is an incredibly nice guy.  (Didn't get a picture.)

See, there are some advantages to living on a remote military base in Northern Japan!  So neener-neener to all you suckas back in the states who can go to Target whenever you want to!!!

But WAIT...
There's MORE...
(so much more!)
Jump over to Doug's blog to read about the most dramatic finale in Survivor HISTORY!!!

No really...


Pete 'n Stephy said...

one of my college buddies was on survivor 16. His name is jason guy! he had a blast!

mama bear said...

You know I hate you just a little. I'm going to drown my jealousy by going to Target and Costco. You suck! Okay, that is really super cool. Doug's great news is even cooler, you guys are so lucky!

Naomi said...

Too cool.

I want to go to Australia.

Linz said...

You guys must be livin' right...

ryanandginger said...

I saw Tyson (from Survivor) at the Lindon pool last week.... funny! And... not just Target, but SUPERTarget! And SuperWalMart. But I miss living in Misawa regardless.

Anonymous said...

Ah Em, ive missed you!!! But I do have to say this...I live 3 min away from a Super Target and a place called Yogurtini, yeah you would love it! But know I do love you, I've missed you and sorry I haven't emailed you back...been a really rough few months and just trying to get 'ontop' of things again...wasn't ready to share everything with everyone just yet, but I am getting back to my life, my friends and being me again - hopefully. Love you EMMY!