Dec 9, 2009

Dear Mormons...

Did you happen to see THIS article in the October Ensign?

Or read this talk give by M. Russell Ballard?

If not, I'll give you the low down:

You should all be blogging!

(Un-privitize your blog so I can read it in Google Reader, please!!!)

That's all I have to say.



Amy said...

I love this and shared it from my blog. thanks for calling everyone to action. :)

Anonymous said...

Well said Em! :) xoxo

Bob's Blog said...

Great post! I missed that article (maybe because I still don't have my Ensign...) Reminders of being safe always make me nervous.

Erin & Daren said...

wow good idea. Personal journals are old school I guess. Too bad I have a stalker and have to secure my blog. :)

acte gratuit said...

People with stalkers are the exception! I'm just glad you have one, Erin!!! :)

Bartimaeus said...

Are you glad she has a stalker or a blog?