Sep 1, 2009

The State of Things

I'm nauseated.  24/7.  (But so far I'm not puking, so that's somethin'!

Doug is participating in an "Exercise" this week.  This means, instead of seeing patients, he runs around in Chem. Gear and a Gas Mask from 6a.m. - 6:30p.m.  Or later.  He's not happy about it.  I'm not happy about it.  (Understatement of the year.)  I teach Wheel at 6 p.m. sharp people!!!

Gabe learned how to climb out of his crib.  Right now I'm watching him run towards the neighbors house because I'm too tired to put him in bed for his nap--again.

Someone keeps peeing in/on the training potty.  Only it isn't Gabe.  (And whoever it is doesn't have good aim.)

Sam is ticked off that kindergarten starts a week after regular school and complains about it--loudly--multiple times daily.

Max wants to work for a T.V. station when he grows up so he can "watch T.V. all day long."  (Most disheartening thing I've heard all year.)

Sam got an in-home visit from his Kindergarten teacher today.  He got out every weapon we own and repeatedly punched things at random.  Awesome.

But on the bright side...

Today Sam said:   (While "tagging" the air.) "Mom, did you know Jesus--I mean da Hoey (Holy) Ghost--is down heo (here) and I'm pwaying (playing) tag wif him?!?" 

So at least there's THAT!


Our Three Sons said...

I was nauseous 24/7 this time around so hopefully that is a good sign!! I am thinking PINK!!! Let me know if you need anything!

Bartimaeus said...

It wasn't me! (Peeing that is, I have fabulous aim!)

Linz said...

Sorry about the nausea! Yuck!

Sam is so cute!

Anonymous said...

It's good to know SOMEONE ELSE out there is miserable nauseous during pregnancy!! hee hee...misery loves company (no, I was not just sayng I am pregnant too)...just saying at any time misery loves company! :) But since I love you so much (even though you were opting for Aussie, instead of here...yes, I would choose Aussie too, but I am here) :) I do hope you start to feel better and that you have a GIRL...enough of this pee all over the potty, punching things, climbing on everything, stainging every need PiNK my friend, PINK! My prayers are with you!! :) Love ya em and Congrats. I am quite pregnancy hungry myself, which can only mean one thing...I am finally there - insanity...but now is NOT a good time, so we'll wait! xo

Linz said...

Hey, Em - when are you due?

acte gratuit said...

I'm due mid April sometime! I'll know for sure after my ultrasound in a few weeks!

Lily Eggleston said...

Wahoo! Congrats! And I want to play tag with the Holy Ghost sometime...