Jul 29, 2009

A Boring-ish Post about a Really Fun Trip--Plus old photos

Newlyweds John and Faezer. Headed to the D.R. in a few short days!(Any trip that includes a visit to Rubio's for Fish Taco's is bound to be a success. The American Fork location is no where near as nice as the Southern California locations, but the taco's taste just as good.)

Anna's parents: Some of my very favorite humans!!! (Bishop C. is half responsible for Sam's middle name. Doug's dad is responsible for the other half!)
This is my sister Jenny talking to Kristen who was my next door neighbor on Camino Circle. Her older brother Aaron came too with his cute wife and girls! It was so fun to see them for the first time in YEARS! Kristen even said she likes me now that I'm not an annoying little brat.
I get that a lot.

Speaking of friends we haven't seen in years, we were THRILLED to see Lynn, Jeph, and Johnny S. Also neighbors from good-old Cottonwood Heights. Lynn raised five boys (part of the time as a single mom) and lived to tell about it. She's my idol!And yes. As mentioned on Brandon's blog, I went on my first date with Danny. (Son number 2 not in attendance.)

That went down something like this: "Mom and Dad, I know you're going to want to set me up for my first date on my 16th birthday. But whatever you do, don't set me up with Danny (said with fingers crossed behind my back.) 'Cause that would be, like, so embarrassing." Mom and Dad: "Huh?"

Fabulous former roommates Anna-Banana (on tip-toe so she can be taller than me) and P.B. (real name=Michelle) holding sweet little Preslie.
I fell in love with Preslie instantly--even though she was a little unsure about me. P.B. started a great blog after Preslie was born chronicling their adventures in and out of the hospital. Seems like most of the first few months of Preslie's life were spent in the hospital. But I'm pretty sure they think she's worth it.

Did you know that 80% of Downs Syndrome babies are aborted? Can you believe that?!? Those misguided folks don't know what they're missing! (Why don't they give their baby to ME?!?)

Another great friend, Fletchy, lived with us in Carlsbad for a little while. I'm so glad you dragged your whole family to Springville, Fletch!!! (Real name=Brenda)
Faezer and I holding my newest Cousin-Nephew Coleman. Cousin Kimmy's first baby! I love you Cole!!! I love your faux-hawk!!! Come visit me in Japan, okay?!?!
(Some of) The Fam. Thanks for hosting the after-party Bubba.
But no thanks for hijacking my blog you flaming lunatic!!!

(Dear Readers/Commentors, I promise it's safe to come back now. I wont let the bad man mess with my blog any more, okay?!?!)


Anonymous said...

Love the photos! And love even more the fact that I am in them! :) I am so so so thankful I got to see you and your family! Gosh I have missed you, our very late nights, our yummy treats, our painting when we were too sick to eat yummy treats and too tired to go out with boys...and for all the laughs! Love you Emmy! xo I'll email you copies of my photos this week!

mountainmama said...

Hey - you did not need to mention that I was on tip-toe. It was quite a treat to be able to spend time with you. I love you Lots and Lots and Lots.

Kylie said...

Seeing you, Anna and Brenda together takes me back to forever ago! Remember when we crashed at your Carlsbad pad??? Anyway, I'm sorry I missed seeing you. Ironically, I went to San Francisco while you were here. =)

Ginna said...

Looks like you went shopping at Downeast Outfitters while you were in UT? I bought a few dresses there last week, I know that 10,000 girls in UT will be wearing them, but probably nobody but me in RI. And as far as in Japan? You're in good shape.

No Buckaroos said...

I love Rubio's too! (but not fish tacos). Just ate their in Mesa, AZ the other day.

mama bear said...

Um, excuse me?!? I seem to recall some really cool friends (maybe not from the neighborhood or high school, but old friends just the same) that you met up with for some yummy gelato that you neglected to mention in your trip post. Not that I'm feeling left out or anything, I just noticed that we weren't included. Still love you!

John said...

Emily, that picture of your first date is awesome. I sent Danny a link to it...
Good to see you guys after so many years.
