Feb 22, 2009

david after the dentist

I think this is a pretty good representation of me on Percoset...just before passing out!


Linz said...

HAHAHA! I saw this the other day and laughed my head off!! SO funny!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Wish I was there to witness such entertainment! Love you EM...sure love you!

Topsy said...

Oh come on! Em you didn't video yourself. Tell doug he's let us down on a fabulous giggle. Bet you were lovely and hilarious!

Lisa said...

Oh my, I've felt like that once or twice before. That's hilarious!

hilari said...

that cracked me up.

crimendelsiglo said...

this is too precious. poor guy ! introduced to "real life" at age 5(?) wait 'til high school.