Oct 29, 2008

Why Does My Floor Look This Way?

Why?  I'll tell you why.

Because they're boys.  
And they wanted to build a track.  
And they wanted to destroy that track and leave the detritus all over my family room floor, of course!

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter...


  1. I could have written this post...down to the Michael Bluth appearance.

    At least SOMEONE feels my pain.

  2. At least you're watching Arrested Development. That is good news indeed! :)

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Yes, you have boys! And you're doing a great job with them! I'm a big fan of your mothering techniques. Love, Aunt Sue

  4. I love LOVE Arrested Development!!!!!

  5. Anonymous4:58 PM

    My boys are messy like that too! Magically lately my house got cleaned up for my birthday over the weekend. My hubby and the boys gave me a gorgeous diamond necklace they bought from www.idonowidont.com and I felt like a super mom with a clean house and shiny jewelry. Boys will be boys though!


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