Thursday: The movers came. All two of them. One of whom left early. I don't know WHY I thought they'd be finished by the end of the day (in time for our early Friday morning walk-through and closing.) (See Doug's blog for more details.) Evidently I'm a hopeless optimist.
Here's a brief summary of the day in numbers:
Minor heart attacks: 3-10
Number of rooms emptied of stuff: 0
Major panic attacks: 16
Emotional break-downs: 1-28
Large wooden crates filled: 7
Panicked phone calls to Doug: 317
Number of times the boys were helpful: 0
Number of times the boys were naughty: 6,438
(What do you do when your detergent is packed and you really hate hand-washing? Put dish soap in the dishwasher! It works like a charm!)

Lucky for us, we had a place to go this night so we didn't have to camp amidst the chaos; The family of our favorite RI babysitter, Jessica the Fearless! They, (the Magnanimous Millers) were also generous enough to host Doug's dad who arrived for his whirl-wind visit that night at midnight.
I hope you're appreciating all of this typing, because I'm very tired Journal!
Friday: The boys (fortunately) got to over-stay their welcome with my FABULOUS and LONG-SUFFERING friend Jenni for the day.
The walk-through was rescheduled for 3p.m. The moving company sent three movers this time and promised the house would be empty by 3:00.
The house was not empty at 3.
(when the buyers arrived for the walk-through.)
The house was still not empty at 3:30.
(when they did the walk-through anyway.)
For all I know, the house still isn't empty.
(I hope the buyers enjoy our stuff.)
The buyers had to do their walk-through in the midst of unfinished packing and stacked boxes.
Then we had to RUSH to pick up the kids,
RUSH back to The Magnanimous Millers to shower, change, and drop off the kids (again),
and RUSH to the graduation reception which started at 5:00p.m.
We barely made it on time.

and now...
it's official.
(And yet for some reason he can't fathom, I still refuse to address him as "Doctor".)
And that's all for today, Journal.
More tomorrow.