May 24, 2008

Snoop Dogg amendment!


Okay! You got me, CNN!
Someone pointed out the date of this article: April 1st. I did check to make sure it really was a CNN link, not a copy cat, but I didn't think to check the date. (And I didn't check usual myth and legend buster. DUH! In my defense, it was very early in the morning. And everyone knows I'm at my intellectual peak around 2p.m.)

I had no idea CNN was that sneaky! Or that funny! I've literally been shaking my head in wonder all day!

I'm a little sad to be saying goodbye to Brother Dogg so soon. I was already anticipating the Rap concert he would do for President Monson's next birthday!!! Oh well. Maybe someday. At least we've still got Gladys Knight and Ricky Shroder!

Rapper Snoop Dogg converts to Mormonism


Snoop Dogg says he "can't get enough of the Book of Mormon."


  1. Whaaaaat? That's INCREDIBLE! Maybe I'll become a fan now! hehe :)

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    that is craaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!

  3. sweeeeet. thanks for sharing this!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Emmy, Did you notice the date of the article was APRIL 1st!! Didn't know if you were spoofed or if you're trying to spoof us!

  6. Emily, that is just a load of crap!!! Sorry to be the one to burst your bubble!!!

    all your other readers are way to nice, so I figure I need to bring you back to reality!

  7. Awwww... that's too bad. So long Brother Dogg...

  8. Emzer,

    You are as gullible as ever. It wasn't even actually CNN. It was made to look like CNN. Try to stay off the Internet as much as possible for the sake of your family finances. You are phishing bait!


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