May 25, 2008

Literary Influence

Max and Sam think it's funny to take my Body Pillow off my bed and stick it in the toy box. Then they take turns laying in it and claiming it's a bed. Today they were playing in their room with Gabe and I hear this:

Max: "MOM! Come look at Gabe, QUICK!"
Me: "Oh, is that his new bed?!" (Gabe is laying calmly on the body pillow in the toy box)
Max: "Yeah! Now can I put the lid on and make him Flat Stanley?*"

Hmm. Time to start a new book.

*In the book 'Flat Stanley', a heavy bulletin board falls on Stanley smashing him flat.


  1. Isn't it funny how after having a few babies, that a body pillow is just a MUST for a good nights sleep!

    I can't sleep on my stomach anymore either!!!

    WE LOVE FLAT STANLEY (woops almost wrote fat stanley) anyway Evie did the same project in school as (I previously blogged) Savannah did in 2nd grade when she made a
    "flat savannah" and sent it to Ireland with Karie

    Evie did "flat black evie".

    Yes you read correctly! Evie wanted her flat evie to go to Africa so she decided to make a "flat black evie" for her project! Do you want to see a picture?


  3. We love flat stanley!!

  4. HAHA! Flat Stanley! Gabe would be cuter.

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I have never even heard of this book. I had to do a flat stanley project for my nephew though. I would like to read the book so I know where all this came about. Who is the author?


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