Dec 10, 2007

1st Attempt at Candy Making

*Note to self: Warm carmel fuses to wax paper and can NOT be removed.


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Oh, sshhhhhoot. I hate it when all that effort and sugar and yumminess goes to hell in a handbasket. Sorry emmy We've all been there with fudge, toffee and even carmel that can be poured over ice cream. Try again. Maybe next week.

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    YUM! I would still eat it anyways! :)

  3. I looked all thru the latest blogs, loved your son's pirate bday, the dubbs family photo, impressed by your thanksgiving table setting, and as usual think your darling family is well just darling! I went to the preview of the movie "The Kite Runner" also read the book, PG-13, but the hard parts were very hard to see, done well and left to your imagination, but very disturbing and I couldn't shake the images for a few days, but the movie did leave me with a positive feeling about the regular (non-fanatical) Muslin people and a general "I want to help make the world a better place" feeling... Anyway, hope that you are doing well! and all my best on the candy making!

  4. Only you can look so cute in a shirt fifty times too big holding caramel that won't get off our hands for days..sometimes I think I might hate I?

    Haha, you're much more adventurous than I am. Way to go!

    Do they make American candy in Japan?

  5. Nice! (I would eat it anyway too)

  6. Oh believe me...I ate as much as possible!

  7. How are you supposed to make it then? Is there anything it WON'T stick to? I've never made caramel before, but I really like eating it, and may attempt to make it in the future. What is the trick?!

    (P.S. I love your hair.)

  8. I just left a comment, but it's no where to be found. It'll probably show up and then you'll have two from me that say the same thing...oh well!

    That picture is a classic! I love carmel and would have eaten it too. You probably already know this, but if you butter a pan and than pour the carmel into comes out slicker than slick.


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