Aug 7, 2007

Oh Boys...

I decided the other day I'm going to publish a photo book called "Living With Boys". So I can showcase our growing collection of photo's like this: So it was with much happiness I read Hilari's post today. Maybe I should ask her to collaborate?


  1. hehehe! snap a shot next time sam pees on the floor!

  2. note to self: buy stock in scotch tape.

  3. Boys are totally foreign to me. I LOVE hearing your stories though. Maybe someday I can come to you for advice.

  4. If it makes you feel any better, our trash can is duct taped shut. I have a labradore retriever with a certain sense of entitlement. And I'm sick of cleaning up the remnants strewn about after she discards what is distasteful to her after going through our "inpenetrable" kitchen can while we're away! Nothing like guests having to wrestle the adhesive loose to toss a tissue. I'm embarrassed for myself.

  5. That is too funny! Great book idea, though... I think you could make a killing!

  6. gotta love them!!

  7. i guess maybe this raising boys thing could really pay off. i would be happy to encourage my boys in their usual destructive activities for lots of money. thanks for the blog shout out.

  8. what a great picture. Julie's hubby robert has a picture like that from when he was little. Only he had chained the fridge shut with a lock. Buys will be boys.

  9. Adriane sounded amazing today, but i wasn't um.. up to standard. I'm sick and my throat was all icky, so I didn't record. BUT, I will be sure to record a pretty mp3 of us singing. :) Miss you guys!

  10. Anonymous6:48 PM

    boys will be boys!


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