Aug 9, 2007

Oh, the awesomeness

How cool does this sound;

"Yeah...I'm going camping this MAINE!"

Pretty cool, eh?

Wanna know what's even cooler?
I'm in Maine. And tomorrow I'm going camping. In Maine!

So, as this is the first time I've ever been this far NorEast, I'm going to share my first impressions:


Which was set in Maine and which I watched religiously every Sunday night with mom Faezer and sister Jenny for much of my childhood! [I've always loved a good mystery, and let's face it...Jessica Fletcher is awesome. I mean, a writer who solves crimes? What a spit fire. Pure GENIUS! (Mock this show and face my wrath.)]

So anyway, I'm pretty sure I've always wanted to visit Maine since then and now I'm here! And it just oozes New Englandishness. There are LOTS of super old towns filled with super old buildings and homes and they all have crazy unpronouncable names like "Junipero Serra". No wait...that was San Francisco. Like "Kennebunkport" and "Wiscasset".

ANYHOO--We've stopped for the night in Portland and tomorrow morning we finish our trek North to Acadia National Park where we will camp.
[For today's complete itineray, see Doug's blog.]

[By-the-way, Doug would like to request that you DON'T rob us while we're gone. But if you do, take some of the clutter on my desk with you. (And the dirty clothes that I'm pretty sure are under the boy's bunk-beds. And you'll find the most money in Max's Ritz Cracker jar on his dresser. It should net you about $8.63)]

I'll have more to report later, but for now I need to get some sleep. We're going camping with a 3-month-old. It may be the last chance I have for awhile!



  1. That sounds like a blast!! Have a good time.

  2. Oh, how fun!! I've always wanted to go to Maine. Well, anywhere over on the east coast really...

  3. i guess our invite got lost in the mail.

  4. I am Katie Valentine's younger sister who lives in MA. Acadia National Park is mine and my husbands favorite place to camp!! We absolutely LOVE it there - it SOOOOO beautiful. Our friends actually named their little girl Acadia after we went camping there! I'm so jealous, but have lots of fun!!

  5. Pul-leeze! I would do almost anything if your adorable three month old was coming along.

    Also: cannot believe he found out who burned him! o.O!!

    And finally. I will send you those extremely roughish, morbid pieces that you requested.

    (Plus "NorEast" sounds like Maurice. Only worse. Which I didn't think was possible.)

    Love you guys! And I actually said I wished I was in Maine today. No kidding! I realize that to fully appreciate how much of a feat that is, you have to realize how much I used to make fun of Maine for what I realize to be absolutely no realized reason. Yep. That's how much I love you.

    I hope you realize it. And that you and the boys are smiling<3


    From Adrii; A Finnish folk song that she has dedicated to you,

    "My man is false-hearted
    and often lies to me.
    But I don't worry because
    I have my dancing shoes."

  6. I love Main! Well I've never been there but I have always dreamed about it. Now do they have a ton of nasty bugs up their during the summer? I hear that but wanted to know if it is true. Shelly told me she had a blast out there with you guys. Emily you look fabulous after just having a baby. I think you must never eat except rabbit food. Hope all is going well for you guys. We miss you. Have fun Camping! You'll need it with a 3 month old.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sounds like so much fun. We visited Maine a year ago and went to Acadia--unfortunately it rained the enitre week we were there. We still had a great time though and it is soooooo beautiful. Have fun!!


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