Jun 17, 2007

Ode to Doug

I wish I could write poetry. If I could, I'd write a really witty and clever "ode to Doug" for Father's Day. It would include stuff like this;

You'll shop for me at the store
And you hardly ever snore

You like to cook
Which is "off the hook" (I don't even know what that means)

You're a wonderful dad
Which is totally rad
I think our boys are so lucky to have a patient, thoughtful, spiritual man to be their example and teacher and friend
It's time for this poem to end

You know...something like that.

I love you Sweetie Pie!
Happy Father's Day!!!

P.S. Speaking of Doug, he's been working on a new blog header which I think is extremely cool so check out his new look.


  1. Beautiful poem...=D

  2. your poem was tight
    you can rhyme alright
    and doug's not too bad
    he's an impressive dad

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Man I'm still trying to get over the fact that you didn't write the lyrics to the Cape Cod Sonnet. Compared to your supposed efforts there - it's hard to come back to reality. But since I love you and the Bug too - I commend the effort and the love.

  4. Two cmments: First, that is one pasty dad. Second, the part about the snoring is completely false. But I commend you on your ability to overlook that.


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