Jun 14, 2007

I'm Not The Sharpest Tack In The Box

I know, I know...I've said before that I'm a genius. But even geniuses (or is that geni?) have their moments of stupidity.

Yesterday I went to Parent/Child gymnastics with Sammy. He really doesn't enjoy it much, but we go every week nonetheless. The class consists of an obstacle course of different activities like jump on the spring board, roll like a log, swing like a monkey. So I came to a card I hadn't heard of, and asked how to do it. I believe it's called a front pike somersault. The Instructor demonstrated it for me, and it looked fairly easy, so I decided to demonstrate it for Sam in an effort to get him interested.

Here's what you do. Spread your feet far apart, bend at the waist and touch your toes. When you're in this position, tuck your head in and fall forward doing a somersault without bending your knees.
Well, I did it. Or at least some bizarre version of the move. When I righted myself the teacher asked "Did you see stars?" Well, no, but it definitely didn't feel fluid and graceful like I imagine it should have felt. (And I'm sure it looked even worse.)

A few minutes later I found myself rubbing my neck. By the time I got to the car after class, my head, neck and shoulders all ached.

Here's the moral of this story: If you are me and you have the coordination of a slug, and you never took a single dance or gymnastics class in your life, DON'T BE AN IDIOT!!! Even if a two year old can do it, you can't. Don't try.

Lesson learned.


  1. if you're not broken somewhere, i'd say you're not quite an idiot.

    i, however, would have tried the balance beam to disastrous results.

  2. I think you ARE a genius. What other mom sacrificed her body (and maybe a little pride) to peak her son's interest in tiny-tot gymnastics?? That's the kind of story G.A's tell in conference to show what wonderful mothers they had. Well, maybe not exactly, but if your son is ever a G.A. I'm sure he'll tell that story.

  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    That made me laugh - just visualizing you doing the front pike somersault. Nan is also taking gymnastics. However, I watch from a safe distance of the observation platform one story above! She is having a ball. After Creamies on the lawn the other night - I was helping her review a front roll. I demonstrated and heard every bone in my neck crack. Who needs the Chiropractor? Just do a few front rolls.

  4. Way to go! Nothing says "Super Mom" like sacrificing life and limb to teach a child the finer points of gymnastics! Bravo!!

  5. She really is graceful...like a slug...

  6. It might be foun to put a little salt on her and see what happens. (slug)FHP

  7. i had to take gymnastics this past quarter for PE because my school is stupid, and because i can't do ANYTHING at all and i apparently missed a lot of classes, i got a B+. but yeah. it was a pretty brutal experience. and i learned... all of nothing. =)

    i wish i could have seen you do it.


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