Dec 22, 2006

IT'S A.....

We had our ultrasound this afternoon and will be joined by another little boy some time in May!!! I guess I wont be getting my pink fix this time around, but we're excited nonetheless.

(The technician pointed out that I'll have lots of time to myself when all the boys are off at Scout Camp in the future. A very good point, I thought. )

We have no names picked out yet, but will keep you posted. In the mean time, here are a few profile/head shots fr
om his very first photo shoot!

(They're not very clear because he has his hand up by his mouth.)


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Congrats! Too bad you can't have this one be Dot though...

    Hey, you can still name it "Adrian" or something, eh? Hehe. Just kidding.

    (See, having 3 boys is basically the perfect excuse to buy them a bunch of video games and then play them while they're at school. I think that's why my mom got me hooked on gaming at a young age.)

  2. :)!!!!! Hooray!!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS EMILY!!! We are all wearing grins in your honor :-) Warner Brother's has a really successful ring to it, don't you think?
    I hope Cusak provides you with comfy sleep till May. Question: how do you serve melted cheese and applesauce? It was a cute story, but...? Is the cheese ON the applesauce? Is it cheddar?

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    yea for boys! i may have been the sister-in-law formerly known as rooting for a girl. however, my tune has changed. i realize that baby boy and his closest cousin can now set each other up on dates with their friends in college. and it's all about the matchmaking these days!

    (as for names ... how about Mitchell? it seems you like names that end with an "el" sound.)

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Congrats! Isn't it nice to know that you already have everything! Why break the cycle??!!

  6. I know you and Dug are a little sad but a new one is always exciting. Congrats to both of you...but mostly to you Em. You do make beautiful boys.

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Why didn't you tell me?


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