Dec 29, 2006

Glad Tidings!

Merry Christmas! This was our second year away from family and friends (...present RI friends excluded) but we had a great holiday anyway! On Christmas Eve we went to the home of some VERY generous friends who hosted a fabulous party for us and a few other families. We had many scrumptious breakfast foods (for dinner), played a fun present game, and watched all the kids reenact the nativity.
Max the Bandit? Nope. He's a Shepard!

After overstaying our welcome by at least an hour*, we headed home to open Christmas Eve presents. We all got new Christmas Jammies, but in addition, the boys also got new Slippers and new Silky Christmas Pillowcases from Grandma Fae.

Sam gave his new "Cars" pajamas a big hug. Then he immediately wanted to try out his new pillowcase so he layed down and started snoring.

Once pajamas were on boys and pillowcases were on pillows, it was time for bed. Doug convinced the boys that since it was Christmas Eve, they had to sleep in the same bed. (His siblings all used to sleep in the same room on Christmas Eve...which our boys already he squished them into the top bunk.)

Christmas Morning was FABULOUS and the boys loved all their presents, but especially the one's SANTA left! We even experienced our very own CHRISTMAS MIRACLE when the boys slept in until 8 a.m.!
Max was dismayed to find it STILL hadn't snowed by Christmas morning, but he likes his sled anyway. His other Santa toy was this Marble Game.
Sammers is a bit obsessed with THOMAS so he was thrilled with his new Train Table!

I hope your Christmas was as MERRY as ours. Max is already talking about next year. Yikes.

(*In our defense, there was still a lot of food left. I was just trying to help out by eating it.)


  1. Looks like you have a wonderful Christmas!! We got your card and I must say it is great! A darling picture, and I love your letter! Thank you! And Happy New Year!

  2. Yay! I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas and I'm infinitely jealous of Sam's train table. And Max is an adorable shepherd.

  3. sounds like Christmas at home is not so bad - maybe we'll try it next year!

  4. there, that's more like it! I don't know why it was putting my "real" name up. anywho, happy new year!

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    That picture of the nativity brings back such memories. We did that EVERY year as kids. I wanted to do it so bad this year, but what do you do with only 2 kids and one just wants to be the angel? Oh well, maybe next year!

    I love all the pictures and that is great that the boys had to sleep in the same bed. Maybe that is the secret to getting them to sleep until 8 everyday?!


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