Jun 1, 2006

Book Review

I just finished two books and want to mention them.
"In the Time of the Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez is fiction based on actual people and events. It's about four sisters living in the Dominican Republic who are involved in a revolution and living under the dictator Trujillo. The narrative switches from the sister's different perspectives and between past and present.
I like hearing in 1st person from different characters because it seems more real when you get to hear more sides of the story. Although the story is a little bit sad, (I really like happy endings) it was a quick read and interesting historically. Reading about what people have to go through in other countries makes me feel pretty selfish that my biggest gripe is when my kids don't sleep through the night.

Although the narrative style is similar in the second book, everything else is completely different. It is the second in a series by R.F. Delderfield and is a very weighty tome (798 pages) called "Theirs Was the Kingdom" it takes place in Victorian England and continues the story of the Adam Swann family started in "God is an Englishman".

The worst thing about these books (by Delderfield) is opening and starting them. The sheer bulk is daunting and I was afraid I'd never finish the first one. Of course, once I started, I couldn't put either of them down. (Which is a problem in and of itself because trifling things like housework, parenting and personal hygiene tend to fall by the way-side.)
Both books, though, are very engrossing despite the fact that there is no mystery to be solved. (I luuuuuuv mysteries) I recommend them for the next time you're stranded somewhere for a week with no electricity or other people that require even occasional acknowledgement. Happy Reading!


  1. Pfft. Personal hygiene. Overrated. "I recommend them for the next time you're stranded somewhere for a week with no electricity or other people that require even occasional acknowledgement."
    I take it you know from experience? Lovely.

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

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