May 25, 2006

Pictures of our NEW HOME

Picture me with a dark red door and blue shutters with white molding around door and under the windows. And a flag pole. And maybe a lamp post. And lots of flowers. Okay, I'm stopping now. Oh wait, I forgot to mention the brick chimney on the right side.*
(*this is the house talking...I, the creator of this fabulous blog, have nothing at all to do with these labor intensive plans.)

Here is what our house looks like now that it is spring and everything is turning GREEN. I can't wait to work on the yard and plant flowers!!!

We have an excellent Realtor named Lori and she took a bunch of pictures for us during the inspection today. There are no problems, so things will proceed on schedule. This picture is the upstairs living area looking from the kitchen. The wall on the left that you can't see is the same color red as the stairway wall on the right. Notice the "Dunkin' Donuts" cup on the kitchen bar on the right side of the picture.

Here we have the master bedroom...MUCH bigger than our current shoe box sized one. (Of course, it's not hard to find a room bigger than our current one.) The color isn't bad, but I'll probably change it to something I like better. (Are you bored yet? Hold on...only one more after this.)
And finally, LOOK AT THE YARD!!! Hooray for grass!!! The boys don't have to play in a concrete courtyard anymore! All we need now is a BOUNCE HOUSE to put in it!!!! (Oh wait...)
This is the side yard to the right of the house. Unfortunately, the boat in the background doesn't come with the house. There is, however, water nearby where we can park the inflatable raft* we're planning to get at Costco.

*I'm just kidding. We don't actually buy inflatable non-essentials on impulse. (Oh wait...)


  1. Emily.... your house and yard are AMAZING! I am oh so very excited for you (and the family, of course)!! You'll definitely have to keep posting pictures, because we'd love to see all of the changes you have in store...

  2. I would like to just take a minute...or a few seconds...we'll its about a minute now praise the publisher of this blog for her exceptional work in forging the way forward to get such a beautiful home for her family...Such forsight, drive and brilliance is amazing. Really I am very grateful for Emily in getting us this house, when I only wanted to look for a place to RENT!!! You are amazing EMMY!!!!

  3. I sense a little apprehension still at the unprecedented purchase of the bounce house.
    Otherwise, yay for house! And what's a yard? One of your little East Coast words?

    Kidding. Also, colorbars are fun and hard to define and you can request one at will from me.

  4. Have you thought about adding a front portch? That would be cute and you could sit out there and watch the kiddies go crazy! That's just my idea and I'm a little partial to porches so you can just ignore the woman behind the computer. Congrats on the house Em!


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