Aug 10, 2012

When Stalking is Okay or Meet the Beesons

It's very rare that stalking is socially (or legally) acceptable.  Blog stalking is a notable exception.  And I have been stalking one particular blog since my early blogging days in Rhode Island. (Did you know we used to live in Rhode Island?  Than you haven't been reading long enough!)

It's called None of Your Beeswax and is written by Kelly Beeson.

This is a picture of Kelly and her family:

On a typical day in Arizona
I don't remember exactly how I found Kelly's blog, but I got hooked pretty quick.  She's a very funny writer, loves books, loves Jane Austen, loves travel, loves to eat, and, the clincher; vacations every summer in the same town where I finished high school.  (I forgot to ask her if she also has a not-so-secret crush on John Cusack.  But really--how could she not, right??)
This year when they came to town, we got to meet for the first time.  It's a little bit weird meeting someone already knowing a lot of random personal details about their life.  But I've always been a big fan of stalking so I was down with it.

Turns out, they usually go to the same beach we go to, and even attend church at the same church building.  So we actually got to hang out with them quite a few times!  The kids all got along and we had a lot of fun with them.   Wish I got better pictures!

 Can't wait until they visit again!!!


  1. Who doesn't love John Cusack? I also love puppies and pizza. We had a great time meeting you guys, too. All my photos of our trip are missing. I think iPhoto ate them, Jake thinks they are hiding somewhere on the computer.

    Now I'm hungry for s'mores!

  2. I met Kelly in NYC, back when I lived in CT! She was awesome and so was her mom and sister! :)

    Glad to be back in touch with your blog! I was out of the blog world for so long and couldn't find anyone when I came back. Thanks for finding me again!


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